Nikolaevich Drozd

Russia • geboren in 1962

Biografie und Informationen

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1993. Muralist, painter.

Born may 24, 1962 in the city of Kemerovo. He studied at the pedagogical Department at the Kemerovo art school (1978-1982) Burmakina V. A., Abramova L. A. and at the Department of monumental-decorative painting at the Kharkov art-industrial Institute (1982-1987) B. V. Kosarev. Since 1987, lives in Kemerovo.

Participant of exhibitions since 1988. He was one of the founders of the art group "Poor Liza" (1990). Member of the jury of the annual regional exhibition-contests "Young talents of Kuzbass" (1992-2002). Since 2001 he teaches at the Kemerovo state University of culture and arts. Creative journeys: oz. Baikal (1995).

Painter, graphic artist, associate Professor, Department of design, Kemerovo state Academy of culture and arts, Andrew Thrush belongs to the category of artists for whom drawing is a captivating and fun game, a way of communicating with the world by means of allusions and associations. In his paintings you will not meet a profound speculation, but the abundance of hints, full of subtle humor, the original understanding of Soviet and post-Soviet myths. For example, on the canvas, "the birthplace of the giant elephants" Thrush depicts two soldiers, galloping across the steppe on a ghostly translucent elephants. And numerous works from the "hunting" series ("Night", "Camp", triptych "Paralovo") clearly inspired by the impressions of the cave paintings.

Generally artist Thrush particularly good at any kind of styling. His urban landscapes brought back from travels to Europe (French, Spanish, Greek series) is reminiscent of albums in the history of architecture and Italian cinema of the neorealism period. Much less effectively on this background, the attempts of reinterpreting well-known mythological stories ("Leda") or lyrical tracks ("last night").

Participant of the festival of modern art (Sochi, 1996), member of art group "Poor Liza," Andrew Drozd professes an ironic view of the world as the basis of philosophy. That does not prevent him, however, to make your work perfected the thoroughness of the details and even some pedantic.

(author - Olga Strauss)

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