Ippolitovich Yudin

Russia • geboren in 1927

Biografie und Informationen

Born July 26, 1927 in the village of New Kochkovskaya district of Novosibirsk region into a peasant family. The family had 7 children, in 1937 the father was repressed. I worked with 7 years on the farm. Graduated 6 classes in rural schools. In 1944 at the age of 17 was drafted into the army, served 6.5 years. After the army he worked at the Kuznetsk metallurgical combine as a graphic designer, where he graduated from night school.

In 1961-65 studied at the Moscow artistic-pedagogical College, graduated with honors.

After graduation, she worked as a designer in the research Institute of Soyuzmolprodukt.

Became interested in drawing from early childhood. Working in watercolors, oil, pastels, drawing from nature landscapes and portraits. Expressive sketchy prefers working with nature. Lives and works in Moscow.