Grigorievich Apollonov

Ukraine • 1930−2018

Biografie und Informationen

Ivan G. Apollo
Honored artist of Ukraine (1983).

Born September 10, 1930 in the village of Yaroslavtsev Log, Altai Krai (Russia).
Before the war the family moved to Kremenchug (Ukraine).
Initial art education has received in Kremenchug art and craft school.
1960 - graduated from Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. Mukhina.
1960-1986 - painter,senior painter(1970) Kiev factory of artistic glass.
1964 - member of the artists Union of the USSR.
1984 - personal exhibition of works of the Union of artists of Ukraine.

He was Chairman of the Republican Commission on decorative and folk art of the Union of artists of Ukraine.

For the first time in the Ukrainian glass Apollo introduces the crafts for the image of man, is transmitted by the diamond faces. He's one of the few artists who in their works used painting on glass, for example a vase "Cock."

The participant of many all-Union and Republican exhibitions, including the exhibition "the Artist and glass", Kiev, 1976.

Works are kept in museums of Ukraine.
Major works: