Iosifovich Tartakovsky

Ukraine • 1912−1972

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

Born in Volochysk, Khmelnytska oblast now. In 1929 he graduated from the industrial vocational school in Kiev, Ukraine (studied with K. trohimenko and K. Yeleva). For some time he worked at the Kiev Studio, collaborated with M. Umansky when making the film "Alexander Parkhomenko," and "the Great life" In 1945 – 1951 he studied at the KHI (teachers A. Shovkunenko, M. Sharonov, V. Kostecki, T. Yablonsky, S. Grigoriev), from which he graduated with honors. Honored artist of Ukraine since 1976, people's artist of Ukraine since 1993. Worked in the genres of still life, landscape, historical paintings, portraits. In works used the painting techniques of impressionism, cubism, constructivism etc. Works are in the namu, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Simferopol, Sevastopol HMM, Theodosia KG etc.

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