Nikolayevich Skobeev

Russia • geboren in 1938

Biografie und Informationen

Thesis in the CVC - "rural Nov" rating - excellent. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of artist-painter, teacher.


22 Nov 1938 born in Izmaylovka village in Ulyanovsk region.

1964 — graduated from the Kazan art school.

1970 — graduated from Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture

them. I. E. Repin.

1974 — member of the artists Union of the USSR.

1976 — winner of the regional Komsomol Committee of the TASSR them. M. Jalil.

1980 — the Honored worker of arts RT.

1986 — national artist of RT.

Lives and works in Kazan.

  • Schule
  • Lehrer