Sergeevich Sheboldayev

Russia • geboren in 1955

Born in 1955 in Moscow in a family of scientists. He studied at mshsh at Academy of Arts A. M. Mikhailov, B. A. Kelberer and I. G. Frolova. He graduated from the Moscow textile Institute, faculty of applied arts. Teachers: A. M. Dubinchik, O. V. Chistyakov, A. S. Trofimov, V. I Kulakov. Member of the CX. Genre: landscape, portrait, still life, thematic painting, Nude model. Working as an artist muralist (mural of "Pobeda" cinema and business centre at the Luzhniki stadium, the frescoes of the monastery of St. Seraphim of Sarov in Italy, frescoes of private houses of Russia). In 2003 the first prize of qualification to the competition landscape in Italy. Master in sand, snow and ice sculpture. Multiple winner of international Championships in Finland, USA, Canada, Italy. Participant of numerous scenic exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Works are in private and municipal collections in Russia, Holland, France, Italy, USA, Canada, Japan, Korea. Associate Professor of drawing and painting, applied art, Moscow state textile University. Academician, full member of IASP (International Academy of Sciences on nature and society.)

(Source: website of the Moscow Union of artists)

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