Davidovich Grimm

Russia • 1865−1942

Biografie und Informationen

Student of the Academy of arts from 1884 To 1888 he graduated from the course Sciences. Received medals: in 1886 – 2 silver; in 1888 – 1 silver; in 1889 – 2 gold for the project "the City Duma in St. Petersburg". 1 November 1890 – the title of class artist of 1 degree and in the same year – 1 gold medal for the project "Embassy home" In 1895 – the title of academician. In 1890 he was sent abroad pensioner of the Academy of arts.


Academician Of The Acad. architecture of the USSR (1939). Brother D. and E. Grimm. He graduated from the Academy of arts (1890). From 1900, he taught at the Institute of civil. ing. (St. Petersburg), from 1901 Professor. Since 1907, the architect of Empress Maria's establishments Department. Mary. In the 1920s-30s he worked as an architect in the system of people's Commissariat of the USSR. The author of the project tenements, churches, societies. and residential buildings in Petersburg-Leningrad (the Museum of A. V. Suvorov, 1901-04, A. von Gauguin; working village GRES "Red October", 1926-33, etc.). Died in besieged Leningrad.