
Biografie und Informationen

1. Curriculum vitae.

Kandinsky-DAE Alexandr ocher,
Born: Russia, city Moscow, 1957 August 26. Orphan.

1969 -1973. - school, teacher S. A. Borkowski.
1973 -1977 from Nizhny Tagil, art-graphic Department of Pedagogical Institute, teacher V. N. Pryanishnikov.
1972 -1975. - summer internship in Moscow at the E. Kibrik.
The years 1978 -1980 service in the Russian armed forces, air defense.
1981 -1987. - higher hood. school. Mukhina, Demin workshop.
1982 -1985. - summer internship with Dr. E. E. Brader, Lyon, France,
1987 -1992 he studied and worked abroad.
1990 - Sorbonne. A Ph. D. degree. Subject: French demi-Monde, the effect of the Daye.
2016 - Sorbonne. Doctoral degree. Theme: Expressive sublimates, and its multiple currents.

2. The direction of creativity.

Since 2005 he is the founder of a new movement in painting "Expressive sublimates".

The ratio of the light proportional relationships of color relationships, equal promising modulation vibrationally plastic aspects of light and color threads, which is synthesized in the subconscious factor of world perception or perceptions of the peripheral and Central nervous system of the human body, vytaskivaya a kind of behavioral motoriko-psychopathic energy-balanced guides each individual. (The correlation of color flow in proportion to the color relations. Light creates color. Color creates vibration. The vibrations give rise to motion. Movement model, behavioral model, or any other... ...and so on and so forth).

The beam sublimating characteristics connected between a light-color plastic, spatial and temporal aspects, psychogenic perception influencing the subconscious mind of the individual, forcing him to perceive the painting as a means of venting to the outside, the inside of personal experiences. ...flows moderniziriruyutsya, from the things that life's twists and turns, powerful light and color fields (red, blue, yellow, black, green, white) ...color field, clearly separated local areas certain areas of the brain responsible for a particular color.
Color effect, transforming the luminous flux depends on the temporal characteristics (time of year, time of day, emotional state, balance of mental overload, as well as light bulbs, sun, glare, reflections, shadows, total darkness. The same as pain, joy, pleasure, hatred, indifference. All of the above can be multiplied by psychogenesis. Divided by the influence of external and internal environment, the compressed time frames: past, present and future. It gives the possibility to paint in any time-spatial context, without considering the reality of the present, past or future.

Display No. 1341
...vibration, modulation and their relationship. (Light and color flow, light and color, plastic,...)
If you take the color as something vibrating (under light exposure), the plane of the canvas into the inner space of the frame, the surface of the wall, the ceiling, or anything else, (among which is color), fully static, i.e. are metaphysical. All the spatial planes of his statics gives color extra vibrancy, not to say hard, absolutely vibration. (Kind of like cold-hot, light - dark, etc.) These opposites are but a subconscious level give rise to specific and exceptional movement. Eyes this movement sees. Eye color made more static and monumental. Therefore, there is a separation, subconscious, pure colors, plus the perception of each color separately, that is, locally. Mixed color subconscious not shared and for that reason does not perceive, hence the lack of dynamics, that is expression. Any canvas painted mixed color, can be considered stillborn, devoid of life, unable to influence human perception, inner awareness and contemplation. Occurs, the COMPLETE ABSENCE of feedback. This, ultimately, deprives the viewer of empathy, it impoverishes spiritually. Thus, the viewer is not able to participate in the creative process

Display No. 236
...we'll try to conduct an abstract, planar concepts, planar plumper. In particular, the relationship of surrealism and metaphysics, using the unreal objects and realistic naturalism. Try to Express the subconscious...

"...I fish in a nail looking for, then, this fish must somehow on the wall to stick.... I think last week, sitting on the stove and think - that's where the example takes a gray color... or let's say that there is Hyperrealism, and me tonight in my sleep it dawned on.... nobody, not one person on planet Earth, does not treat these two such disparate concepts of RIGHT, wrong everything! (...what's the deal, I won't tell you until it's a secret)"

Layout # 1698
Color and shape (relationship)
,,, as an example: if the perception of color (and as a follow-up activity: color), people are not the same, in consequence of the difference of perception of the subconscious, the form, the structure of any object to all identical, i.e. exactly the same.
It is hard to imagine that in sound mind and memory some individual will mix the stool with a chair, say, or spruce with birch. You can make a tentative conclusion: the form, structure, or someone, or something, determines consciousness. Same color and everything to do with him determines, controls, affects, unconscious.
I wonder, what is this distribution of roles. Where here the dog is buried! – the answer lies as always on the surface.
Color is born on Earth, under the influence of the Light coming from Space. And here it is already interesting!!! but all in order...
Form, according to Darwin, the result of evolution. But even according to Darwin, are planet Earth and everything on it originated, it is a result of action of Space.
But at the moment, the Light comes on and the Shape of local importance. Light, or rather light fluxes are constantly changing, vibrating, projecting and developing in Color. Color surreal, agile and elusive. The form is completely static, i.e. are metaphysical.
It does not say, form the structure of any object created by, born directly on the planet.
The conclusion is clear: the subconscious substance of space, and created directly for this ,,,,,,,,,,,,,(while this is classified information). Consciousness is the substance of local, terrestrial origin. This implies a consciousness controlled by earthly influences.
(A small digression: this is why the state structure, are used very successfully a person's consciousness to their own, and sometimes ...more often than not quite clean advantage.
Where is the "Soul" of man? Good question. I believe in the subconscious. In it she comes out of it and leaves. And she does this "Soul" to her at any convenient time for yourself. If the person does not use "Soul", hence the need for it has not. And the races, so she leaves the subconscious mind of the individual. (Interesting hypothesis emerged).

The effect of the Daye:
If you can stabilize the form, in other words, to remove the gaps in the plastic of the figure, we lose almost half of the emotional tension in the figure and as a result, nearly all the dynamics.
How do we solve the question of stability and the lack of it?
That's the whole trick: the lack of stability gives the face extra mobility and vitality, in the visual perception and contemplation of the image.
So, if the figure is fragmented into pieces that are not related to each other - this is the dynamism? Clear. But maybe then will you tell me what volume you add bulk, a flat structure? And why didn't you put the pattern on the key? This is the effect of the Daye. This question is solved in the PhD thesis - "the Effect of MAE".