Vyacheslavovich Jordanian

Jordan Boris Gryzlov (26.07.1903–1983) 3V
Painter, graphic artist and muralist.
Author of paintings on historical and revolutionary themes, monumental-decorative
works, later often turned to the genre of landscape and portrait. "Grand Prix"
The world exhibition in Paris (1937).
Born in Kovrov, died in Moscow. Studied in VHUTEINe in Moscow (1922-1930)
A. V. Shevchenko, N. And.Shestakov, and M. I. Rabinovich. Member AChRs (1928-1931), RAPH
(1931), OST.
He lived in Moscow. In 1920-40-ies he worked primarily as a designer; executed
the design of the pavilions "Tsentrosoyuz" on the agricultural exhibition (1923), "Print" at the international
the press exhibition in Cologne (1927-1928), "far East" at VSHV (1939), highway
"A center in Sokolniki" by May 1 (1930), Department of "Farming of the USSR" on the show in
Philadelphia (1931), hall "the Constitution of the USSR" at the world exhibition in Paris (1936–
1937, Grand Prix), a column of athletes of the USSR and RSFSR on physical culture parade in
Moscow (1945), and also the streets and squares of Moscow to the revolutionary holidays.
Independently and in collaboration with G. I. Rublev (first three songs) created
dome lights (tempera), "Victory" in the Palace of culture Metrostroi (1944-1946), "Petrograd in
1917," in the October hall of the Central Museum of revolution of USSR (1947-1948)
Moscow, "Friendship of peoples" in the hall of the Buryat Opera and ballet theatre in Ulan-
Ude (1947-1952), "Blooming Ukraine" in the lobby of the hotel "Ukraine" in Moscow
(1956-1957), "Under the banner of Lenin" in the auditorium of the Kemerovo regional
drama theater (1957-1960). The author of the mosaics: "Lenin", "the Victory Parade",
"Sports parade" (1948-1951, together with G. I. Rublev). The greatest
fame as a decorator and muralist, in the lobby of the station
"Gorky Park" Moscow metro; mural (tempera) — "Heaven of Moscow" and
"Moscow" pavilion "Moscow region" on VSHV (1952-1954), "Panorama
Of Moscow" (1954-1955) at the Banquet hall of restaurant "Prague" in Moscow, "Kiev", "Moscow" and
Dnepropetrovsk in the Palace of culture of Dnepropetrovsk (1956).
Was also engaged in easel painting and graphics. Performed paintings on historical and
revolutionary themes, portraits, landscapes, still lifes. Author of painting works
(tempera, oil): "the Demonstration on red square in 1927" (1958), "Yes
long live the revolution of workers, soldiers and peasants!" (1967), "V. I. Lenin" (1969-1970),
"For Soviet power!" (1970), "Revolutionary patrol" (1973), "V. I. Lenin at the 1st
All-Russian subbotnik" (1975); portraits of artists, Bardachenko V. F. (1962), M.
A. Markov (1963), V. A. Vasiliev (1965), art critics K. A. Soloviev (1965) and A. N.
Tarasov (1972) and others. Many worked in the techniques of gouache, watercolors, turned to
the linocut.
In the 1930s he executed a number of political and propaganda posters: "women of the factories and
the fields are military columns of soldiers!" (1930), "a Komsomol member, young worker,
pioneer! Join model, glider, aviation mugs Osoaviakhim." (1934), "
us and them" (1936), "long live the great brotherly Union of Soviet peoples!" (1936), "A.
S. Pushkin" (1937; the 100th anniversary of the death of the writer). Worked in Detgiz,
orders which has created illustrations for books: "School" S. S. Aini (1949), "Little
the Avengers" O. A. Ghukasyan (1950).
1929 — participant of exhibitions. A member and Exhibitor AHR (1928-1931), RAP (Russian
Association of proletarian artists) (1931), the Union of artists of the USSR. Exhibited
exhibitions: young artists in Moscow (1934), proizvedeniyah artists (1936), art industry (1940),
decorative art (1946, 1955), artists books (1951), Republican
the exhibition "Soviet Russia" (1960), artist of decorative and design
art (1962), Moscow artists (1964, 1975), "home country"
(1965), "Artists of Moscow — the 50th anniversary of October", held in 1967 in Moscow,
and other exhibitions. Solo exhibitions were held in Moscow in 1935, 1963, 1964, 1975
He taught at the Moscow Institute of applied and decorative art (1950-1952)
. Since 1952 he taught at the Moscow higher art-industrial school
(former Stroganov); Professor (1961).
Work is represented in many Museum collections, including the State
The Tretyakov gallery, the State Museum of contemporary history of Russia and others.
The most famous pupils of Professor B. V. Jordan:
Guschin, Viktor Nikolaevich
Zelenetsk Igor L.
Ivanov, Aleksandr Valentinovich
Inna Kudinova V.
Medvedev, Nikita Gromov
Alenkov Viktor Semenovich
Patagonula Elena
Tarakanova Natalia
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