Vasilyevich Astapov

Russia • Saint Petersburg • geboren in 1957
Bestellung eines Kunstwerks

Biografie und Informationen




1971-1975 student of the Secondary Art School of the Institute. I.E. Repin AH USSR

1975-1981 student of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Repin Academy of Arts of the USSR, Faculty of Sculpture

1981-1983 graduate student of the Institute. Repin

Since 1981, a member of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg.

Works in techniques: monumental and interior sculpture, portrait, unique graphics, interior design, author photo.

Since 1980, a member of national, regional and urban exhibitions. Participant of exhibitions: in Russia, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, USA, Finland, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan.

Works with galleries in Russia, USA, France, Switzerland.

Some of the works are in the Museums of Russia, Denmark - Grenen Kunstmuseum Skagen.

In private collections: Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Israel, India, Indonesia, China, the Netherlands, Russia, USA, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Japan; and Sultan Khamengkubuvono X Yogyakarta - Indonesia, Prince of Wales - Windsor, UK, French actor Alain Delon - France, singer and composer Andrei Makarevich Russia, Hermitage director MB Piatrovsky, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

List of exhibitions:


The exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of V.I. Lenin. Leningrad.

Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.


Spring Exhibition. Leningrad.

Personal exhibition in the pavilion of Russia. Leningrad.

Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.

Republican exhibition of young artists "Physical Education and Sport." Kazan

Group exhibition of young artists. Petrokrepost.

All-Union Exhibition of Young Artists. Academy of Arts. Leningrad.

Group exhibition of young artists. Dresden. GDR


All-Union Exhibition of Young Artists. Academy of Arts. Moscow.

Spring Exhibition. Leningrad.

Zonal exhibition. Leningrad.

Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.

All-Union Exhibition of Young Artists. "Physical Education and Sport." Moscow.



The exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad. Leningrad.

All-Union Exhibition of Young Artists. Academy of Arts.

Spring Exhibition. Leningrad.


All-Union Exhibition of Young Artists. Academy of Arts. Moscow.

Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.


Zonal exhibition. Leningrad.

Exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of V.I. Lenin. Leningrad.

Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.

Exhibition of Leningrad artists. Stockholm. Sweden.


All-Union Exhibition of Young Artists. Academy of Arts.

Spring Exhibition. Leningrad.


Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.


Spring Exhibition. Leningrad.

Zonal exhibition. Leningrad.

Group exhibition of artists. In the international artistic center. Paris. France.

Personal exhibition in the museum Aaltonen. Turku. Finland.


Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.


Spring Exhibition. Leningrad.


Exhibition in RUSSIAN FINE ART GALLERY. San Francisco. USA.


Exhibition of Russian artists. Tokyo. Japan.

Exhibition of artists in the pavilions of HAMBURG MESSE. Hamburg Germany.


The first exhibition of artists of St. Petersburg. Galerie Koller. Zurich. Switzerland.

Spring Exhibition. St. Petersburg.

The second exhibition of artists of St. Petersburg. Galerie Koller. Zurich. Switzerland.

Exhibition of artists in the pavilions of HAMBURG MESSE. Hamburg Germany.


Exhibition of artists of St. Petersburg. Millon & Robert. Paris. France.

Autumn Exhibition. Leningrad.

Exhibition of artists in the pavilions of HAMBURG MESSE. Hamburg Germany.


Personal exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.

Christmas exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.


Spring Exhibition. St. Petersburg.

Personal exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.

Exhibition in the museum. GRENEN KUNSTMUSEUM. Skagen Denmark.

Art Manege. Moscow.

Christmas exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.


The exhibition "Among friends" in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.

Art Manege. Moscow.

The exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.


Moscow International Art Salon. CHA. Moscow.


Moscow International Art Salon. CHA. Moscow.

The exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.


The exhibition "ART LONDON" UK.

The exhibition "Among friends" in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.

The exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.


The exhibition "Among friends" in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.

Exhibition - Manege. St. Petersburg.

The exhibition in the gallery Palette. St. Petersburg.


Moscow International Art Salon. CHA. Moscow.

Exhibition in the Odoevsky Gallery. Yekaterinburg.

Exhibition Parade Galleries - Manege. St. Petersburg.

Jubilee exhibition 300 years of St. Petersburg - Manege. St. Petersburg.

Action show in the Chamber Theater. Yekaterinburg.

Personal exhibition in the gallery in the gallery "Golden Scorpion". Yekaterinburg.


Exhibition at the Grand Art Gallery. St. Petersburg.

Exhibition Parade Galleries - Manege. St. Petersburg.

Personal exhibition in the gallery in the Union of Architects. Yekaterinburg.

Group exhibition in the gallery Monastirly. St. Petersburg.


"United Europe and Russia" UNESCO, Moscow. Diploma, 1st place.


An exhibition of works by artists from the Alla Bulyanskaya Gallery collection, organized under the guidance of the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK Arts Club. London

Exhibition 75 YEARS of CX SPb - Manege. St. Petersburg.

ART MANEZH 2008. Moscow.


ART MANEZH 2009. Moscow.


Personal exhibition in the gallery "Tatiana's Day." Yekaterinburg.


"Spring-2011" St. Petersburg.

ART MANEGE 2011. Moscow.


Exhibition of works by artists from the Alla Bulyanskaya Gallery collection at the Representative Office of the Federal Agency for Foreign Affairs for International Humanitarian Cooperation. London

Exhibition 80 YEARS of CX SPb - Manege. St. Petersburg.

"Autumn 2012" St. Petersburg.


Autumn 2013 St. Petersburg.


"Spring 2014" St. Petersburg.

"Autumn 2014" St. Petersburg.

The exhibition "Charity and cultural project FREEDOM."

St. Petersburg.


The exhibition "PRIMAVERA" State Museum of Urban Sculpture.

St. Petersburg.

Exhibition IV Biennale "Fencing in Art". St. Petersburg.

The exhibition “Fife-oh Klok. Fashion and contemporary art. ART ANFAS. State Museum of Urban Sculpture.

St. Petersburg.

The exhibition "Planet BRODSKOGO", Art Center in Perinny Ryad.

St. Petersburg.

The exhibition "Divine Dante", State Museum of the History of Religion. St. Petersburg.

from 1997-2008 he worked with the “Alla Bulyanskaya Gallery” Moscow.
from 2004-2011 Works were presented in the permanent exhibition “Alla Bulyanskaya Gallery” London.

since 2008 he has been working with the gallery ARS LONGA Moscow.

since 2004 directs - art group "ART-NEON"

Main monumental works:

1984 Monument "Women of the Blockade". St. Petersburg.

1986 Monument "In Emptiness to Succede".

St. Petersburg University.

1997 Monument to N.V. Gogol. St. Petersburg.

Main interior work:

1987 work on the exposition of the museum of V. I. Lenin in Gorki. Moscow.

1987 work on the exposition of the Museum of Fire Protection.

Rostov on Don.

1989 work on the exposition of the Museum of Fire Protection.


1994-1996 work on sculptures for interiors

INVESTBANK. Kaliningrad.

  • Kunstwerke gefielen
    5 users
  • Artworks in 4 selections
  • Kunststile
    Realismus, Surrealismus
  • Techniken
    Collage, Bleistift
  • Alle Kunstgattungen
    Malerei, Grafik, Skulptur, Fotografie
  • Motive
    Porträt, Akt, Animalismus, Mythologische Szene
  • Kunstvereine
  • Schule