
Thomas Gainsborough • Zeichnungen und Illustrationen, 1748, 40.4×33.9 cm
Digital copy: 1.1 MB
1615 × 1943 px • JPEG
33.9 × 40.4 cm • 121 dpi
27.3 × 32.9 cm • 150 dpi
13.7 × 16.5 cm • 300 dpi
Digital copy is a high resolution file, downloaded by the artist or artist's representative. The price also includes the right for a single reproduction of the artwork in digital or printed form.
Über das Kunstwerk
Motiv und Objekte: Landschaft
Kunststil: Realismus, Rokoko
Technik: Kreide
Materialien: Papier
Erstellungsdatum: 1748
Größe: 40.4×33.9 cm
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 2 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Portrait of Mary Gainsborough, daughter of the artist
Portrait of Mary Gainsborough, daughter of the artist
1777, 76×64.5 cm
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The fishermen on the stormy sea coast
The fishermen on the stormy sea coast
1782, 101.9×127.6 cm
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1759, 76.2×63.5 cm
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Gainsborough DuPont
Gainsborough DuPont
1775, 44.5×36.2 cm
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Carl Friedrich Abel. Fragment
Carl Friedrich Abel. Fragment
1777, 225.4×151.1 cm
Henig Lloyd sister
Henig Lloyd sister
1750, 64×80 cm
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Clayton Jones
Clayton Jones
1745, 76.2×63.5 cm
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Henry, Duke of Cumberland with the Duchess of Cumberland and lady Elizabeth ' Situation. Fragment
Henry, Duke of Cumberland with the Duchess of Cumberland and lady Elizabeth ' Situation. Fragment
1788, 163.5×124.5 cm
Landscape with a stream and a herd of
Landscape with a stream and a herd of
1773, 120×145.4 cm
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