Portrait von Ida Rubinstein

Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov • Malerei, 1910
Über das Kunstwerk
Kunstgattung: Malerei
Motiv und Objekte: Porträt
Kunststil: Realismus
Erstellungsdatum: 1910
Das Kunstwerk befindet sich in den ausgewählten Sammlungen: 14 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Portrait of the artist V. I. Surikov
Portrait of the artist V. I. Surikov
1890-er , 109×79.4 cm
In the winter
In the winter
1898, 51×68 cm
Digital copy
Porträt von Kaiser Nikolaus II. (Porträt von Nikolaus II. In grauer Jacke)
Porträt von Kaiser Nikolaus II. (Porträt von Nikolaus II. In grauer Jacke)
1900-er , 70×58 cm
Portrait Of K. P. Pobedonostsev
Portrait Of K. P. Pobedonostsev
1902, 56×43 cm
Portrait Of N. I. Derviz with the child
Portrait Of N. I. Derviz with the child
1889, 142×71 cm
A portrait of the writer Leonid Andreyev
A portrait of the writer Leonid Andreyev
1907, 73.3×56.4 cm
Portrait of the artist Ilya Repin
Portrait of the artist Ilya Repin
1892, 66.4×53.3 cm
Digital copy
Porträt von Prinzessin Olga Orlova
Porträt von Prinzessin Olga Orlova
1911, 237.5×160 cm
Digital copy
Portrait of the artist A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva
Portrait of the artist A. P. Ostroumova-Lebedeva
1899, 28.6×36.6 cm
Digital copy
Portrait Of Evdokia Morozova
Portrait Of Evdokia Morozova
1908, 114×75 cm
Empfohlene Kunstwerke:
Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Kvitchenko. Napa Valley, California
Napa Valley, California
2023, 90×60 cm
Sergei Borisovich Krivonogov. A view of silvery Tuscania. Italy
  • Werbung
A view of silvery Tuscania. Italy
2019, 30×24 cm
Digital copy
Digital copy
Unknown artist. Bells
  • Werbung
4×3 cm
Olga Shatskaya. Hydrangea
  • Werbung
2025, 70×60 cm
Xenia Keith. The Three Graces
  • Werbung
The Three Graces
2025, 70×50 cm
IKS. Puppet
  • Werbung
2025, 153×87 cm
Andrei Viktorovich Maximov. "In a rainbow."
  • Werbung
"In a rainbow."
2023, 120×210 cm
$20 000
Andrei Viktorovich Maximov. Walking on Ashes 1 (triptych)
  • Werbung
Walking on Ashes 1 (triptych)
2023, 130×130 cm
$35 000
Daria Motovilova. The kidnapping of a Vyatka lady
  • Werbung
The kidnapping of a Vyatka lady
2024, 80×60 cm