Preguntas frecuentes

En esta sección hemos reunido las respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes que surgen durante el uso de Arthive
Si no has encontrado respuesta a tu pregunta, contacta el Servicio de Asistencia

Portfolio site

1. How does an artist create a portfolio site?

There is a "create site" button at the artist's page. Press it and follow the prompts.

2. Where are the messages from the feedback form are delivered to?

They will be delivered to the email, specified at the Artist's account or the email, provided in the contacts page.

3. How much is an artist's site?

Please see the rates in the "Rates and payment" section on the site settings page

4. Can I try this service for free?

Yes, we provide an option of creating a site and use it for two weeks free of charge.

5. What if I do not renew the account?

Unfortunately, your site will be unavailable.

Site settings

1. What is subdomain?

All Arthive sites have a free subdomain So, to create a site you need to specify required subdomain. In case a subdomain is already taken, you need to select another name.

2. How to set my domain for a portfolio site?

To set your domain add the following DNS entries to your IN A IN A

3. What is a favicon?

Favicon is a small icon, shown at every open tab in your browser. Favicons make it easy to find the required site among the open tabs.

4. How to select a site template?

This section shows site template examples. Check the image you like and press the "save" button.

5. How to set artist's site menu?

Select the items you want shown on your site in the "Template settings" section. You can change your choice any time. 

6. How to add links to my social media?

Use the option to add several social media profiles. Open "Social media" tab, select one and enter the link to your profile. If you need to add another social media, press "+" and repeat.

7. How to set site pages?

7.1 Main image
This is the first thing your visitors will see. Select one of your artworks, download a photo or video. Do not forget to save the information.
7.2 Biography
The intro may serve as your business card, stress the key information, catch your visitor's attention. The rest of the bio will provide more information about you and your artwork. 
7.3 Exhibitions
You can mark one or several ehxibitions you want to promote. Please note - the exhibitions shall be added to your Arthive page first.
7.4 Artworks
Select artworks you would like to have on the main page. Please note - the artworks shall be added to your Arthive page first.
7.5 Publications
You may add links to your publications on Arthive or another resource. Enter publication title and add a link thereto. Do not forget to save the information.