Mikhailovich Akishev

Russia • né en 1938

Biographie et informations

Was born on 7 December 1938 in the village of Serino of Abatsky district of the Tyumen region. He studied at the Moscow textile Institute (1964-1969) A. M. Dubinchik, A. S. Trofimov, T. V. Kozlova. Member of artists Union of USSR from 1990. Graphic artist, painter. Works in the technique of collage, etchings, engravings, drawings. Author of thematic compositions, still lifes. Genre painter.

Participant of city, regional, zonal, Republican, all-Union exhibitions. 1989 - personal exhibition in Tyumen (exhibition hall of artists). Works are TMII, the State Museum of fine arts of Uzbekistan, in private collections of Russia, Poland, USA. Lives in Tyumen.

//The artists of Tyumen: the Anniversary album/author of article Shafts A. A. EDS. biographical information Sezawa N. And.-Tyumen: TOOSHY, 1994.-P. 66