Alievich Aksirov

Russia • né en 1931

Muralist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

1947-1952 - studied at the Saratov art school

1953-1956 - served in the Armed Forces

1967 - member of the artists Union of the USSR

1980 - the Honoured artist of the KBASSR

1981-1984 -Chairman of the Union of artists of the KBASSR

1968 - delegate of the second Congress of the Union of artists of the RSFSR

1968 - delegate of the third all-Union Congress of the artists Union

1981 was a delegate to the fifth Congress of the Union of artists of the RSFSR

1982 - delegate of the joint Plenum of creative unions and organizations of the USSR and the RSFSR dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the USSR

1983 was a delegate to the sixth Congress of artists of the USSR

2001 - laureate of the State prize of the CBD for the great contribution in the field of culture and art

with 1952. - participation in all shows. held in the Republic of the Union of artists of the CBD

1957 - ten-day exhibition in Moscow

1970 - exhibition of the USSR. the wall paintings. Moscow

1971. -Exhibition of works of the Autonomous republics of the RSFSR. Moscow

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