Nikolaevich Andriaka

Russia • né en 1958

In 1976 she graduated mshsh them. V. I. Surikov.

From 1976 to 1982, he studied at the Institute. V. I. Surikov, faculty of painting. Diploma 1982 — historical picture "On the Kulikovo field. Eternal memory".

From 1979 to 1985 he worked in Creative workshops Academy of arts.

From 1979 to 1985 in parallel with study at the Institute, and then simultaneously with work in Creative workshops taught painting at the mshsh at Institute. V. I. Surikov.

In 1983 he joined the Union of artists of the USSR.

From 1985 to 1989, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Moscow State art Institute. V. I. Surikov.

Since 1999 — artistic Director of the Moscow state special school watercolor Andriaka with Museum and exhibition complex.

1996 — awarded the honorary title "Honored artist of the Russian Federation".

In 2000 — member of the International Academy of Informatics.

In 2001 — corresponding member of the Russian Academy of arts.

In 2005 — awarded the honorary title "people's artist of the Russian Federation".

In 2007 — member of the Russian Academy of arts.

Russian artist-aquarellist. He graduated from the Moscow art Institute. Surikova.

In 1982 — 1985 engaged in creative workshops under the guidance of A. M. Gritsai and of Tkachev brothers. Basically, the artist works in multi-layer watercolor technique. The father, Nikolay Ivanovich Andriaka, was a professional artist and taught at the art school at the Moscow art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. He had a great influence on the formation of the son as an artist.

To draw Sergey Andriaka started early, about 6 years. Under the guidance of his father coached visual memory, has mastered the technique of watercolor. After graduating from art school, he entered the Institute named after V. I. Surikov; from 1977 (after the death of his father) has combined his studies with teaching.After graduation, worked in Creative workshops Academy of arts (1982 — 1985) under the guidance of A. M. Gritsai and of Tkachev brothers. Since 1983 member of the artists Union of the USSR. Actively participated in various exhibitions, including abroad, in 1985 personal. In 1985-1989 he taught at the Art Institute. V. I. Surikov. Since 1996, honored artist of Russia.

The main occupation of the artist is a multi-layered watercolor painting. Andriaka drawing from memory, without preliminary pencil drawings (except for complex architectural motifs). The paper uses a layered scumbling residence (20 — 30 layers) in the dry or dried surface of the paper sheet. Oxide and other materials, in addition to watercolor paints, do not use. High quality English paper and a good paint allow you to save the color and the coloristic richness of watercolors, different color harmony and poetic perception of the world.

Favorite themes of the artist — both rural and urban landscapes, still lifes. He strives to capture life in its constantly changing States. Many works are devoted to the architecture of Russian cities (Moscow, Tula, Kolomna, Veliky Ustyug, etc.), as well as the cities of Western Europe and America. In 1995 by order of the Moscow city hall, the artist created a 6-foot watercolor panorama of Moscow of the 19th century the Color appearance of the city at that time recreated with photos from Naydenova (1867). In the future, was written several watercolors of large dimensions, not only landscapes but also still lifes ("Forest", "Flowers and fruits", etc.). The work on these paintings allowed the artist to make a number of discoveries in technology painting-watercolor process.

In 1999 was opened the Moscow state school of watercolors Andriaka (Museum and exhibition complex). Currently the artist is her supervisor.

Artist Sergey Andriaka is known as one of the leading masters of modern water colour painting. His creative activity the artist worked with oil paints, gouache, tempera. Engaged in mosaics, stained glass, etching, painting on porcelain and enamel. An equally important role in his artistic development was played by the acquaintance with the cultural heritage of Western Europe. But his favorite technique has always remained a watercolor painting.

The artist's work devoted to Russia — the unique charm of old Russian cities, attractive the beauty of the monuments of Russian architecture, he was close to the world of Russian nature. Here and temples, and urban landscapes, Russian province and a foreign country, still lifes, interiors and all your favorite flowers. The creativity of Sergey Andriaka opens to the viewer the beauty of the world. The artist continues the initiatives of his illustrious predecessors: Brullov, Savrasov, Levitan, Vrubel. He carefully kept and creatively, with hindsight, develops in his art the traditions of masters of classical multi watercolor.

Sergey Nikolayevich Andriaka participated in many Moscow, regional and foreign exhibitions (since 1985 they took place more than two hundred). The creativity of people's artist of Russia Sergei Andriyaka know and love in Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, Japan, China and other countries. His works are in major museums and private collections.

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