Petrovna Antipova

Russia • 1917−2009

(1917-1992) Painter. He graduated from the Repin Institute of arts in (1950). Pupil Of A. Osmerkin. The wife of artist V. Teterin. Since 1954, a participant of exhibitions. Landscapes ("the Crimean landscape", 1958; "the fortress", 1960; "Sunny day", 1982), themed paintings ("Zhdanov among children in the Palace of pioneers", 1950; "Practical lessons in Pediatric in-ones", 1953; "the luncheon on the grass", 1963), portraits ("the Girl in the garden", 1964; "portrait of a worker", 1965), etc.

Evgenia Petrovna Antipova was born in Toropets, Pskov province in the family of a railroad employee.

In 1928, along with his parents, E. Antipov moved to Samara. The passion for drawing leads her to the art room Krasnov, which she visited in 1934.

In 1935, after graduating from the 10th grade, E. Antipova comes to Leningrad and entered the secondary Art school under all-Russian Academy of Arts.

In 1939, E. Antipov exams without taking the first course of painting Department of Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. She engaged teachers S. Abugov, P. Belousov, A. Zaitsev, G. Pavlovsky, Alexander Osmerkin, V. Malagis, A. Segal, I. Stepashkin, B. Vogel, G. Savinov.

In 1939, E. Antipov first time participating in the all-Union youth art exhibition in Moscow.

In February 1942, E. Antipova was evacuated from besieged Leningrad to Novosibirsk. Working at the peat, home-based workers in the factory, the inspector of Department on Affairs of arts of the city Council, the Director of House of Folk art. Participates in exhibitions of Novosibirsk artists. In 1944 she joined the members of the Novosibirsk branch of the Union of Soviet Artists.

In 1945, E. Antipov returned to Leningrad and in 1950 graduated from Ilya Repin Institute in the I. Repin in the Studio B. Johansson graduation painting "Zhdanov among children in the Palace of Pioneers". In the same 1950 E. Antipov was adopted by a candidate member of the Leningrad branch of the AOA, and in 1953 on the recommendation of V. Oreshnikov, B. Johansson and A. Zaitsev was transferred to the members of the Union of Artists.

In the years 1950-1956 E. Antipov teaches painting and composition in the artistic - pedagogical College. In 1950 she participated in exhibitions of Leningrad artists. Paints landscapes, still lifes, genre scenes. Among the favorite topics. E. Antipova - blooming Apple orchard, the Crimean landscape, still life in interior and exterior.

For the first time creativity E. Antipova was well represented in 1967 in a joint exhibition with the artist V. Teterin and sculptor K. Suvorova in the halls of the Leningrad Union of Artists. In 1988 and 1999 she had a joint exhibition with the artist V. Teterin. E. Antipov participated in the famous exhibitions of the eleven (1972) and nine (1976) Leningrad artists in the exhibition 26 artists from Leningrad and Moscow (1988).

The works of E. Antipova are in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, numerous art museums and private collections in Russia and abroad. They repeatedly reproduced in the press, including in catalogs of exhibitions and auctions of Russian art in Italy, France, Japan, England and other countries.

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