Yurievna Arendt

Russia • née en 1968

Sister artist Natalya Arendt. He graduated from mhpu them. Kalinina, Department of embroidery (workshop E. I. Tretyakov) in 1989 Member of the Ministry of agriculture since 1997 member of the International Federation of artists of UNESCO since 1998 Since 1989, a permanent participant of exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Personal exhibitions in Moscow (1999, 2000). Works in easel painting, graphics and design. Created her own technique of embroidered icons. The front is also involved in sewing and computer graphics (digital collage). His works are in the Museum of architecture. Shchusev Museum in tsvetaevas, Aleksandrov, as well as in private collections in Russia, USA (Collection A. Glezer), Canada, England (collection of Brian Eno) and other countries of Europe. Represented in the directory CX MDI MOA, 2008.

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