Dmitrievna Bubnova

Russia • 1886−1983

painter, graphic artist, art theorist, R. 17.5.1886, Petersburg, mind. 28.3.1983, Leningrad, buried in Sukhum (Abkhazia).

*Graduated from the drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts, in 1907 he entered the St. Petersburg Academy of arts, he also graduated from the Archaeological Institute. Under the pseudonym D. Varvarova participated in exhibitions of "Union of youth", together with V. Mayakovsky, K. Malevich, N. Goncharova, graphic works were in the collections of the former Rumyantsev Museum and other art museums of Russia. 1922-1958 he lived in Japan, where it has been more than 6 solo exhibitions, as well as in France and the United States in 1958 and lived in the city of Sukhum, participated in all exhibitions of the Union of artists of Abkhazia, was a member of the artists Union of the USSR and Abkhazia. In the city of Sukhumi, the House-Museum of V. Bubnova.

(16.5.1886, Petersburg - 28.3.1983, Leningrad). From a noble family. Father, Dmitri Kapitonovich, Bank clerk, collegiate councillor: mother nee N.Wolfe, had a wonderful voice and was musically gifted man. Childhood B. and her sisters went to his mother's estate Bernovo, Tver province, where there was Pushkin. They grew up in an atmosphere of poetry and music. B. studied at the Drawing school of the Society for the encouragement of arts, 1907-14 at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts. Married his fellow student, theoretician of Russian avant-garde V. Matthew (Matvejs, pseud.In.Markov), joined the Association of artists "Union of youth", which was associated P. Filonov, Mikhail Larionov, N. Goncharova, K. Malevich, V. Tatlin and others; collaborated in the same journal, participated in the joint associations "Jack of diamonds" and "Donkey's tail" exhibition of the youth Union, In 1913, made together with her husband, trip to the ethnographic museums of Western Europe for the collection of materials and photography of African sculpture. After the sudden death of her husband (1914) prepared for publication his book "the art of the Negro" (1919), In 1915 he graduated from the St. Petersburg archaeological Institute. In 1917-22 he worked in the Moscow Historical Museum, studied the ancient miniatures in the Department of ancient manuscripts and organized their first exhibition; was a member of the Institute of artistic culture (Inhuk). In 1922, at the call of the younger sister A. Bubnova-Ono moved with her mother to Japan. In 1927 he married the Russian emigre Vladimir Golovachova (1897-1947). In the mid-1930s, was stripped of his Soviet citizenship for "communication with an enemy of the people" (on behalf of the Soviet Embassy introduced a prominent Soviet figure (FAM. unknown) with Japanese landmarks; back in the USSR he was arrested). Later wrote: "My life in Japan, I could be called happy, if not for thoughts about Home, which to me is so drawn that each ship horn blowing or train whistle awakened a yearning... Just filling work and art saved me from homesickness". From 1924 he taught Russian language and literature at Tokyo's Waseda University. B. raised several generations of Japanese teachers who are trained to understand not only the Russian language, not only "letter" but also the spirit of Russian literature, As argued by the Japanese newspaper "tsuse Shimbun", "if not for her translations of Russian literature in Japan wouldn't probably such a high level." B. the special role played in the development of the Japanese pushkinogorie: all six interpreters "Eugene Onegin" was her students or good friends, and all of it helped to overcome the difficulties of translation. Japan's first collection of Pushkin's lyric poetry (1936) was published in translation student Ueda Susumu with her illustrations. Illustration B. to translations of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky helped to reveal the deep meaning of their works. Professor Aikawa Masao wrote about B.: "It makes their job so skillfully that to call her main profession is impossible it is equally an artist and a writer." For contribution to the development of Sino-Russian cultural relations and for his merits in the field of study in Japan, Russian language and literature B. was subsequently awarded the order of the Precious crown. In Japan, B. "trying to forget" about his calling as an artist, She participated in the exhibitions of the Japanese avant-garde of the 20's; in October, 1922 published in the journal "SISO" ("Thought") the article "About the directions in contemporary Russian art" (mainly about constructivism); part in the organization of Japanese artists "Nikkei", "Sankyo", "MAVO". About Russian art wrote much later, in particular, in the multi-volume edition of "the art World". Enrolling shortly after arrival in Japan at the Tokyo school of industrial art, B. developed the technique autolithographies on the zinc, which sought to convey the nuances of the transition of tones, characteristic of Japanese Indian ink painting. "What is lithography, which is a great art, I realized for the first time from her work," the artist wrote It, Tadashige. Japan successfully held 6 solo exhibitions B. (two in 1932, 1938, 1948, 1954, 1958). B. she claimed to have retained the portraits, landscapes, scenes of popular life principles of the Russian school, but the study of Japanese art expanded visual capabilities of its graphic language. It was not Oriental exoticism, and the ordinary life of the Japanese; "she is driven here, as elsewhere, economic conditions that give rise to the same struggle for existence, it is far from easy". After the so-called "coup of young officers" (1936) B. and her husband was declared an undesirable alien, they conducted a strict police surveillance. In those years, was closed by the Russian Department of Waseda University, and later, B. was forced to leave the Tokyo Institute of foreign languages. At the end of the 2nd world war they were evicted from Tokyo to the mountain place of Karuizawa. House in Tokyo and all their possessions, including the library and lithographs, were killed in the bombing. the post-war period B. again taught and worked as an artist, much of his attention to the Russian club, around which were grouped the young people intending to return to the USSR (B. "gave us a feel for what we are Russians", - they testified). In 1958 B. returned to the USSR and settled in Sukhumi, where she lived with her older sister. During the life of B. was held more than 20 exhibitions, she was awarded the title of honored artist of the Georgian SSR (1964). B. the work was purchased by the Soviet museums, including the Museum of fine arts. A. Pushkin, the Tretyakov gallery, the state Russian Museum.B. worked on articles and memories, approved by A. Twardowski, Emarosa, K. Simonov, Malatova, but managed to publish only a small part is written, because the views of B. on art did not coincide with the official stance. Until the end of life B. kept in touch with Japan, was Dating came to the USSR friends and students In Japan studying its activities, celebrated its 100-year anniversary. In the Literary Pushkin Museum in Bernovo the memorial room in which are exhibited B. sent from Japan translated the works of Pushkin with her illustrations.

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