Alexandrovich Vlasov

Russia • né en 1959

B. 29.09.1959, Zagorsk (Moscow region).

He studied in the MOSS Memory 1905 (1976-82) M. Bulgakova, D. A. Vorontsov.

Teacher of Children's art school (1986-87), the Children's home of culture "Spring" (1986-94), RTCI (1996-98), the artist is in the cinema "Mir" (1987-88) in Zagorsk. Member of the artists Union (1990). Member of the Moscow Association of artists "Sunny square". Member of the Board of SPO of the artists Union (since 2004).

Author of the urban landscapes, historical architectural compositions, types of the Russian North. Performed works: "Cherry", "Spring at the old dam" (both 1985), "Autumn in Zagorsk" (1987), "Evening. Young on the balcony", "Summer evening" (both 1989), "Kirillov. 600 years", "Gorica. The monastery disgraced princesses" (both 1998), "Russ. Red and white" (1999), the diptych "Ancient Borisogleb", "city Day", "wooden Russia" (2002), "Generation" (2003), "the Church of the Transfiguration. Novgorod", "On the ruins of Chersonesos" (both 2004).

Participant of exhibitions (c 1984), including: all-Union exhibition "Earth and people" (Wiley, 1984), all-Russian exhibition "To the 800th anniversary of "Word about Igor's regiment" (M., 1986), "Young artists of Moscow" (Moscow, 1988), national Republican exhibition "Youth of Russia" (M., 1990), the third zonal art exhibition "Moscow" (Moscow, 1990), the regional youth exhibition (Krasnodar, 1991), zonal exhibition "Moscow suburbs" (Moscow, 1991), The all-Russia exhibition "to Your Name": the 2000 anniversary of the Nativity of Christ (Moscow, 2001); "Autumn salon" (Sergiev Posad, 1995; 1996; 1998 – 2nd prize; 2000, 2nd prize; 2002 – 1st prize, 2004 – 3rd prize), "the solar square" (M., 1995; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2002), contest "Transit". (M., 1998 – winner), all-Russian art exhibition "Heritage" (Voronezh, 2003), "Spring dialogues" (Sergiev Posad, 2003), X-th all-Russian art exhibition "Russia" (Moscow, 2004), "Artists of Sergiev Posad" (Wiley, 2004), "Christmas exhibition" (Sergiev Posad, 2004-2005).

Exhibition of works of V. took place in 1998, 2003 (Sergiev Posad).

The works of V. stored in SPMZ, Serpukhov art Museum (Moscow region), private collections in Russia and abroad: France, Germany, Israel.

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