Nikolayevich Vysheslavtsev

Russia • 1890−1952

Biographie et informations

1890 was Born in the village of Annot, Poltava province.

1906-1908 Classes at the art Studio of I. Mashkov in Moscow.

1908-1914 he Studies abroad in Italy and France.

The return in Moscow.

1917-1952 Painted portraits of poets, composers, artists, musicians, scientists. Designed and illustrated books for publishers "New Moscow" GUISE, "Young guard", made the posters.

1939-1952 Teaching at the Moscow Institute of fine arts - Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov and the Moscow polygraphic Institute.

1952 Died in Moscow.

The artist Nikolay Nikolayevich Vysheslavtsev was born in Poltava province, his mother did not know his father was Manager of the estate kochubeev. Childhood Nicholas was lonely sisters and father in a large family of uncles. Since 1906 he studied in Moscow in the Studio of the artist's work.

In 1908 he went to Paris, where he lived for six years, the father continues the education of the artist. After Russia's entry into the First world war returned home, graduated from the school of ensigns from 1916 to 1918. Fought, was wounded, the officer awarded the George cross.

After the war Nicholas settled in Moscow, in the Palace of arts on Cook got a job as a librarian and a small apartment. He lived in those years, the fact that he painted commissioned portraits and sold his paintings and drawings, and later began to teach painting.

It is distinguished by the extraordinary breadth of his interests – not only in art, but also philosophy, history of religion, Russian and world literature. He was a passionate bibliophile and amassed one of the best libraries in the tens of thousands of volumes – a collection of books on art, philosophy, history.

Nicholas has created a whole portrait gallery of his contemporaries: A. White, Pasternak, F. Sologub and many others. Portrait of Tsvetaeva he wrote in 1921.

In his youth Nicholas had married to legitimize the unborn child, the relationship with his wife and daughter are not supported. In 1923, he formed an Alliance with Olga Nikolaevna Baratova, raised her son Vadim, who died later at the front.

The disciples of Nikolai Nikolaevich not only got him professional lessons, but have visited the hospitable home of Nikolai Nikolaevich and his wife in Krivoarbatsky lane, where you created a unique microcosm of "creative family" around a teacher's guide, created in the image of a Renaissance model "Bottega". Such informal communication was in those years suspicious, and only serious illness – which occurred in January 1948 stroke – saved Nicholas from repression. The last four years of his life he was paralyzed.

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  • Études
  • Élèves