Alekseevich Desyatov

Russia • 1820−1888

In 1847 Desyatov graduates from Moscow school of painting and sculpture, where his mentor was the great master of the portrait of S. K. Zaryanko. In the same year the Academy of arts awarded him the title of class artist. The hard work begins of the painter's skill. Pavel A. wrote dozens of portraits of others of his contemporaries. His ability to interested and alive to transfer on the canvas the images of their models was noted in the early works of the artist ("the Hunter and the old woman with girl", 1845; "the old Woman, ucasa his daughter to read and write", 1845; "Gardener", 1859). In 1856, the artist was awarded the title of "appointed" in academics, two years later, P. A. Desyatov became an academician. Among the portraits painted by the artist, notably a gallery of portraits of fellow paints and brushes: I. K. Aivazovsky, P. basin, V. L. borovikovskiy, F. A. Bruni, A. Venetsianov, A. Ivanov, T. A. Neff, A. O. Orlov, V. K. Shebuev and Sylvester Shchedrin. Widely known "portrait of the historian S. M. Soloviev" (1872) and "Portrait of wife" (1874). In 1859, P. A. Desyatov participated in the frescoes of the Church of the Trinity on the Mud at Petrovka in Moscow, for which he performed the composition "the Crucifixion". The great merit of the artist in training many young talents: for forty years (1848) he taught at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture and the Stroganov (1860-1870), and the Moscow Palace architecture (1860) schools.

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