Nikolaevich Domashchenko

Russia • né en 1906

Biographie et informations

He was born in the village of Petrovsky (now the city of Svetlograd, Stavropol territory) in the family of a farm girl Anastasia Galaktionova Hvostikova. The father died before the birth of the son, and the mother tried to give their child the maximum possible. He finished two classes tserkovno-parish school. Up to thirteen years mark tending geese and doing all possible day-to-day work.

In 1919, through their village hosted the equestrian partisan detachment, which was later reorganized into separate Blinovsky cavalry division consisting of two regiments. And mark nailed the horse of the commander of the guerrilla unit.

Over time, boys showed a talent for drawing. He especially loved to portray horses. The command of the regiment decided to help a young talent, several of his drawings sent to Simferopol, where he lived at the time Professor, and later academician of the battle painting N.With. Samokish, Russia's leading expert on horses, with a request to review the drawings of a young boy. In response to the letter Solomin reported that the newcomer had undeniable talent that should be cultivated, and that it would be advisable, if possible, to send it to Simferopol in the period of leave. Mark sincerely thanked him for appreciation of his Amateur drawings and at the same time outlined his vision of the role of art in human life. Thus ensued which lasted for many years of friendship.

The knowledge and advice of the first teacher helped the Brand to create a large number of paintings reflecting the history of the red Army and the heroism of its cavalry. In the early thirties he changed the name to Domashenko one of their dead commanders.

In February 1950, mark N. was sentenced to eight years in the camps according to the article "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda" . The reason for the arrest was denounced by one of the friends from before the war, who wrote that the apartment of Lieutenant, Domashenko was about generals, and it is possible that it was a secret secret meeting of conspirators against Stalin. In March 1956, his case was reviewed and a Decision of the Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court for lack of evidence closed. And Domashenko was rehabilitated.

Upon returning home to Moscow, it was expected a heavy blow: his paintings are the fruit of the labor of all life died. All the works that were in DKA SKVO in Rostov-on-don, by order of the then Colonel and later General, chief of the division of fine arts Glamcore, doctor of arts, Professor of the Military-political Academy im.In.And.Lenin was burned. And paintings from the Museum of the red Army with CDKA them.M.In.Frunze – dropped to the basement, where after a breakthrough of the Central heating pipes came in a state of disrepair. But the employees of the Leningrad artillery Museum made this unprecedented at that time for his bravery act. Despite receiving from Moscow orders to withdraw from the exposition of the painting "the Artillerymen under the Sapun mountain in 1942", in which Domashenko magnify the feat of the defenders of the hero city of Sevastopol, they kept her safe and sound.

Why such great interest in the presented at the exhibition of the collection of rarities, sketches, wizard of particular historical value.

"The first fight. June 21, 1941" – an outline of the plot. But the mad, lost his rider the horse is racing with a field of a battle... "Stray bullet", which affected the fighter... Subtly felt, truthfully described the episodes of the battles. As such the work can't touch the soul?

Several sketches depicted young men in uniform, but their names are unknown. They were written during the war for scrap materials: wrapping paper, cardboard. But maybe someone from gallery visitors finds in them his relatives or friends. No wonder the opening of the exhibition the gallery invited the representatives of the city Council of war veterans.

– The purpose of this exhibition is to develop a sense of patriotism among the younger generation, says Reutovo municipal art gallery Love Kochetkova. And to attract young people to great art, to educate them spiritually rich.

Mark Tolstoy loved the outdoors, especially those places in the Caucasus mountains, where was his fighting youth. His work is imbued with an extraordinary love for the country, without which, he believed, impossible to cultivate a true warrior, a patriot and a defender of his country. The exhibition presents the magnificent landscapes of the Russian North, the austere but majestic nature of the places where he was imprisoned, taiga. All felt the presence of the artist, his inner world. Mood swings like the change of seasons. The will to live, hope for good changes – in the spring awakening of nature...

If a person is talented, even a little sketch or a sketch to work is already a masterpiece, is seen as an integral, finished work of art, which transcends time. "Winter morning on the sleigh"... a Snow mound, painted with the sun exciting pink colors, the horse pulling the load... life-Affirming painting at the end of the war, in 1944: a village woman washes in the pool of the linen, and the cloth is permeated with an incredible amount of light.

No one is no such manner of writing as battle artist Mark N. Domashenko. So his work is unique and priceless. And Reutov – Russian Federation – can be proud that the art gallery has become the guardian left them a legacy.

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