Kirillovich Dryapachenko

Russia • 1881−1936

Born in the village of Vasilyevka, Poltava province. In 1894 – 1898 he studied at the Kyiv drawing school N. Murashko N. Pimonenko in 1898 at the Moscow school of painting by Valentin Serov, 1901 received a small silver medal, in 1903 the title of class artist. From 1903 he studied at St Petersburg Academy under I. Repin, V. Savino, P. Chistyakov. In 1911 he received the title of artist. In 1898 he participated in exhibitions MUZHVZ, AH, etc., In 1912 and 1913 was in Italy. From 1918 he lived in the village of Vasilevka. In the 1910s drew to St. Petersburg magazines "Argus", "the Sun of Russia", "Niva", "Ogonyok". During the First world war, while at the front, performed numerous drawings and sketches. Became famous as a master of portrait and everyday life. Painting works are stored in Poltava UM, UM Kharkiv, Museum of arts in St. Petersburg and many others.

Ukrainian painter and graphic artist Ivan Kirillovich, Tabachenko was born in 1881 in the village of Vasilevka near Kozelshina famous Church of the Nativity of the virgin Mary and a convent, founded graphs Capitani. The history of the conference venue (five miles from Kozelshina) is also associated with Capitani. The village was founded in the mid XVIII century Mirgorod Colonel V. P. Kapnist, who in 1743, received a Royal Charter to own several villages in the territory of the Mirgorod regiment. V. P. Kapnist himself died heroically during the battle in 1757 under the gross-Egersdorf, and his land was inherited by the sons. Several villages, including in the Kremenchuk district, went to the future of the famous Russian and Ukrainian writer Vasily Kapnist (1758-1823 gg). In honor of his new village and received the name - Vasilevka. In the village in 1802, was built the majestic Church. When it worked (her parish) public school, two parochial schools and two school certificates.

Born in Vasilievka Ivan Tabachenko literacy were trained from childhood in his native village. Already at the age of 13, the talented rural boy began to study at the famous Kyiv drawing school (1894-96), was led by artist-teacher N. I. Murashko. In addition to school and I. K. Tabachenko was educated N. K. Pimonenko, A. A. Murashko, S. P. Kostenko, G. K. Dyadchenko, I. S. Izhakevich, and G. P. Svetlitsky, M. Zhuk, V. D., A. zamirailo, A. A. Kurennoy, F. S. krasitsky. In the years 1877-78 went on to become renowned artists Valentin Serov, and Kazimir Malevich. Here he taught N. I. Murashko, H. P. Platonov, I. F. Seleznev. Visited the school and provided her with financial assistance of Russian artists I. Repin, N. N. GE, Vrubel, Polish painter Y. Stanislavsky. The school was exhibited by Russian and Ukrainian artists. On the activities of the Kyiv Drawing school told N. And. Murashko in the book of memoirs "notes of an Old master."

After Ivan Kiev, Tabachenko continued his education at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture and then at the St. Petersburg Academy of arts from the Ilya Repin. By the way, the great Russian artist I. E. Repin spotted Ivan, Tabachenko still in Kiev when I came to collect materials for the painting "the Cossacks writing letter to Turkish Sultan".

Since 1918, the artist Ivan Kirillovich, Tabachenko forever settled near Kozelshina in its native Vasilevka. Now the whole history of Ukraine is passing before his eyes through the rural prism, including a bloody Civil war.

So, in 1920, near the village battle occurred army units with the Makhnovists, during which killed 27 soldiers. They were buried in the village cemetery, where he buried and Ukrainian artist I. K., Tabachenko. In the same in 1920 under the Vasilyevka there was a terrible fight with a gang chieftain Moshenskogo...

What was depicted on his canvases born in Vasilievka? He is the author of paintings on mythological and genre themes, landscapes and numerous portraits. Ivan Kirillovich, Tabachenko nowadays exhibited in the museums of Poltava, Donetsk, Kharkiv and St. Petersburg. He died at 55 years of age in 1936. He loved his home, but never showed it. One of the best paintings by I. K. Tabachenko called "Evening in Ukraine". (Alexey Sergievskiy)

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