Alekseevna Egorshina

Russia • née en 1926

Biographie et informations

Muralist. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Thesis in the CVC - "the rink", the rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.

Was born in Samara. Graduated from Leningrad state academic Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin, painting Department, Studio of Oreshnikov, B. M. and A. A. Mylnikov. From 1955, the artist began to exhibit his works at the exhibitions. Since 1959 she is a constant participant of such popular at the time of group exhibitions on the basis of which in 1961 finally starts activities existing groups: N. And. Andronov, brothers, P. F. and M. F. Nikonovich, M. V. Ivanov, V. T. Weisberg, B. G. Birger and K. A. Mordovin. The main rallying point for these artists was a creative interest in the pictorial and plastic traditions of Russian art of the early XX century Exhibition group, is prohibited for public visits, were conducted in 1961, 1966, 1973 in Moscow in 1962 in Leningrad. In 1960 Egorshina joined the MOSH. She became a participant of many Moscow, all-Union and international exhibitions. Work Egorshina, like many of her colleagues, presented at the famous exhibition "30 years MOSKh" (1962), was then under severe criticism from senior management. The basis of creativity Egorshina amounted to easel painting, but in different years, the artist turned to ceramics and decorative paintings, collage and abstraction, watercolors and pastels, stained glass. The creative manner of the artist's characteristic lyricism and poetry, freedom of flavor. The main works of the artist: "Three visions" (1965), "self-Portrait with daughter" (1975), "formal portrait" (1975, TG), stained-glass Windows of the Banquet hall of the hotel "Zhemchuzhina" in Sochi, "Blue lake" and others. Work Egorshina stored in the state Tretyakov gallery, state Russian Museum, art museums of Russia and abroad.


N. Egorshina. Painting. Pastel. Collage. Directory. The Pushkin Museum. Of A. S. Pushkin.

  • Artworks in 1 collection
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  • Études
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