Eduardovich Heptler

Russia • 1853−1918

Architect and painter, author of numerous types of Petersburg. Honorary member of the Islands of Russian watercolors.

He graduated from the Institute of civil engineers in 1882, was a student of the Academy of fine Arts and graduated in 1896 a Painter of landscape. (Kondakov)

Watercolorist, author of numerous types of Petersburg. Born in Reval, now Tallinn. Moved to Petersburg, where in 1876 he entered the Institute of civil engineers (finished in 1882), at the same time became a free listener of the architectural Department of St. Petersburg Academy of arts, where he graduated in 1896 as a landscape painter. From 1888 he participated in different exhibitions. The artist's watercolors was very popular among collectors and connoisseurs of art. Active member of ORA (with the time – honored member) and St. Petersburg t-VA artists. For some time he worked as a miniaturist in the firm of C. Faberge. Work is represented in many private and Museum collections, in particular, in the Omsk Museum of fine arts.

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