Nikolayevich Zenkov

Russia • 1877−1941

1877, der. Lyugovichi Olonets gubernia; now Lodeynoye pole R-n Len. . – 1941.

Born and raised in a peasant family. Started to learn painting at Aleksandro-Svirsky Holy Trinity monastery. Since 1904 – at the Higher art school at St. Petersburg. AH, a disciple of p. P. Chistyakov, V. E. Makovsky, V. V. Matai. In 1912 graduated from the College with a gold medal (for the painting "Laughter"). The author of the picturesque genre of the work ("Comrades", "the tea party", "the Descent of timber on the Baltic shipyard", "light Bulb Ilyich", etc.), portraits of Gorky, artists N. F. Monakhov, V. I. Kastorsky, M. S. Davydov, E. P. Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, P. Z. Andreev. Member of the society of artists to them. A. I. Kuindzhi, Association of artists of the revolution. Russia (AHRR). After the revolution wrote in his native village portraits "Aunt Catherine", N.And. Kononov, A. I. Akimov and others In 1920 in the town of Lodeinoe pole, held a personal exhibition Zenkova dedicated to the County Congress of Soviets. In Lodeynoye pole local history Museum houses several paintings and drawings Zenkova, donated by his daughter. He died and was buried in the besieged Leningrad.

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