Vasilyevich Simakov

Russia • 1877−1925

Student of the Academy of arts since 1903 11 may 1912 – the title of artist-architect for the project, "the Drama theatre for the capital city for 1,200 people."


(1877, the city of Kungur of Perm. lips. - 1925, Leningrad, now St. Petersburg), graphic artist. He Graduated From Perm. real school and St. Petersburg Academy of arts (1903-1912.) with the title of architect-artist. Thesis Simakov was a project of the drama theatre building for the capital city, which like many other educational works of the artist are kept in the funds of Perm. state art gallery (PGHG). Lived and worked in St. Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad. Was engaged in book illustration, poster, bookplate, a caricature. In 1907 the publishing house of the wolf was released the book "Pushkin in the illustrations by artist I. V. Simakov" (Appendix to the almanac "Sincere word"). From 1919 to 1925, the Foundation has worked for the Leningrad branch of the state publishing house, on whose orders they were made nearly a thousand drawings (illustrations and book covers, posters). Did the artwork for the book series "Nar. is the library" established on the initiative of Gorky in 1918 which published the classic works of Russian literature. Simakov illustrated the works of A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, A. M. Gorky, V. G. Korolenko. Often, the design of books was limited only to the cover, which was made for the main character or the climax of the narrative. The nature of drawing and composition, the artist followed the tradition of famous masters of the 19th century illustrations of A. A. Agina, M. P. Boklevskiy, p. P. Sokolov. Illustration Simakova (ink, pen) are characterized by a fidelity to the literary text, narrative, excellent knowledge of household items and costume of the time were sought by the artist. The best works of the artist are characterized by clear architectonics build sheet, skillful command of various types of font, a good knowledge of ornament. Simakov used a variety of hatches, solid fill ink, the tone, the energy contour lines. Favorite writer artist was N. Gogol. Simakov illustrated story writer "Viy", "the Night before Christmas", "Sorochinskaya fair", the poem "Dead souls", the Comedy "Auditor" (the illustrations for which the artist particularly appreciated). The big place in creativity of I. Simakov was taken by the work on illustrations to the works of A. P. Chekhov. In the meeting PGHG stored drawings to the stories of "Ambulance", "Bishop", "Witch", "sweetie", "Attacker", "Student". The artist also collaborated with publishers "Surf", "Path to knowledge", "Red commander", "Proletkult", "Comintern" etc. I. Simakov was designed as socio-political, popular scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors. In 1924 he published a children's ABC book "pioneer", illustrated by the artist ("Langis", Leningrad). Studied political poster performed about 40 songs, which used an illustrative approach, creating work often household, at least – a symbolic nature ("the Ninth wave", "Remember the hungry", "long live the Communist Internationale", "the Best workers and the peasant in Lenin's party!", "Working with the banner"). A well-known researcher E. F. Gollerbach in 1926 wrote about the I. V. Simakov: "the Productivity of the artist was extremely high, he had a picture, correctly understood the requirements and tastes of the proletarian reader, was able to create a visual and expressive interpretation of the text. A lot and honestly he has acquired with the years a great experience. His name should not be forgotten in the history of Russian picture book". A significant part of the heritage of the artist – over 300 works (book illustrations, architectural drawings, posters) is stored in the funds PGHG, where they were transferred in 1928 from the art Department, "Lungisa" with the assistance of the widow of the artist A. N. Simakova and Moscow journalist and historian, a native of Kungur, E. N. Kosvintsev.

Ist.: CHIAL. F. Imp. Academy of fine arts. The case of the office of the Imperial Academy of arts-And-66.

Lit.: I. V. Simakov: SB. St. / E. Hollerbach, V. Svarog, M. Solomon. L., 1926. 48 p.;

Molotov art gallery: catalogue: painting, sculpture, graphics. Molotov, 1944. 151 p., [35] L. Il.;

Simakov Ivan // Serebrennikov, N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm: Book. publishing house, 1959. P. 144.;

Fedorov-Davydov A. A. Russian and Soviet art: art and essays. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1975. 739 p.;

Andeva R. Graphics collection / Andeva Raisa, Irina Fedotova // Ural. tracker. 1977. No. 6. P. 56-57;

Melnikova L. One of the first // Artist. 1980. No. 9. P. 42-43, 62;

Lapshin V. P. Artistic life of Moscow and Petrograd in 1917. M.: The Council. the artist, 1983. 495 p.

(Source: encyclopedia of "Perm Krai", I. P. Fedotov)

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