Andreevich Malyutin

Russia • 1891−1932

1891 (or 1889) was Born in Balkove, Tula province.

1902-1911 Studies at the Stroganov Central school of industrial art in N. Andreev.

1909 Employee of the magazine "Rampa and life."

From 1911 Executes the performances in the Opera house of S. Zimin - Theatre of the Soviet of Workers ' deputies.

1918 Taught at the State free art workshops.

1919-1921 One of the leading artists of the "Window satire GROWTH" in Moscow.

1919-1932 cartoonist in the satirical magazine "the Onion", "Splinter", "Atheist at the machine", "Behemoth" and others.

He died in Moscow.

Works are kept in the Russian state library (RSL), Moscow.

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