Dmitrievna Koveshnikova

Russia • née en 1926

Honored art. Russia (1986), member of the artists Union of Russia (1968). B. in 1926 in the city of Novosil Orel region, he Graduated from Orel art College. Between 1951 and lives in Barnaul. Works in the genre of thematic still life and interior, a special place in the work belongs to still lifes dedicated to the Altai bread, the life of the inhabitants of the Altai mountains. Paintings with strong poetic. the beginning reveals the connection of man with nature, with the world of surrounding things. Participant of regional, zonal., Rep., Vseros., Intern. exhibitions. Major works: "red izba corners" (1967), "On leave" (1969), "forget-me-nots" (1974), "Marine roots" (1975), "the bread of the Kulunda" (1980), "bread of Altai" (1981), "Altai cradle" (1984), "autumn Colors" (1988). Many of the works of Kolesnikovoj are GHMC (Barnaul), other museums of Russia and abroad.

(author -T. M. Stepanskaya)

She was born may 13, 1926 in the town of Novosil, Oryol region.

He graduated from the Orel art College.

Painter. Works in the genre of thematic still life, landscape.

Since 1952 participates in regional, regional, Republican, Union and foreign exhibitions, among them:

"Artists of Russia 30 years of Victory", 1975, Moscow,

"Artists of Siberia", 1976, GDR,

"At home country", 1981, Moscow,

"Russia" 1985, 1992, Moscow,

All-Union exhibition "We build communism", 1986, Moscow, etc.

Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1968.

Major works:

"On leave" 1969 (ASU)

Forget-me-nots, 1975 (GHMC),

"Akalski daybreak" 1971 (GHMC),

"Bread and roses" 1977 (Pavlov art gallery),

"Bread kulundy" 1980 (GHMC),

"At the end of the harvest", 1980,

"Sea buckthorn is ripe" 1987,

"Altai bread" 1981 (CXP),

"And the feast came" 1988 (GHMC),

"Summer space", 1993.

The number of works is stored in the Orel Museum of art, the national Museum. V. A. Anokhin Gorno-Altaisk.

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