Vladimirovna Kozhenkova

Russia • née en 1940

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

In 1968 he graduated from the staging faculty of LGITMiK (class of outstanding artist and stage Director N. P. Akimova) on a speciality "artist-Director". Works in drama and musical theatres in Russia and abroad, has designed more than four hundred dramatic, Opera and ballet performances. Among her works are the sets and costumes for productions of "the Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas and "Much ADO about nothing" by William Shakespeare (Moscow youth theatre), "Hedda Gabler" by H. Ibsen, "Widow's steamer" by I. Grekova and P. Lungin, "the School for wives" by J.-B. Moliere, "the Brothers Karamazov" F. M. Dostoevsky (Moscow theater. Of the Moscow Council), "Dedication to eve" E.-E. Schmitt, "Cyrano de Bergerac" by E. Rostand, "King Lear" by William Shakespeare (Moscow theater. E. Vakhtangov), "Amadeus" by P. Sheffer (the Moscow art theatre. A. P. Chekhov), "the Maids" by J. Janet, "Servants and snow" iris Murdoch and "Chanticleer" by E. Rostand (Moscow theater "Satyricon" them. Raikin); "M. butterfly" by D. G. Juan (the Moscow theatre under the leadership of Roman Viktyuk), "Wall" A. Galina and "Petty demon" by F. Sologub (Moscow theater "Sovremennik"), the ballets "Romeo and Juliet", "Swan lake," "Carmen-Suite" (Perm Opera and ballet theatre), Opera by G. Donizetti "Maria Stuart" (Moscow theatre "New Opera") and many others.

A long and fruitful creative friendship linked Korenkova A. with producer V. pazi. In St. Petersburg theater.In.F.Komissarzhevskaya they wrote brilliant performances of "the Lady with camellias" and "a Suicide of lovers on the island of sky Nets." At the Mariinsky theatre in St. Petersburg and at the Opera house in San Francisco, they released under the direction of conductor Valery Gergiev Prokofiev's Opera "betrothal in a monastery".

With the theater. Lensoveta Kozhenkova A.V. cooperating since 1996, where, together with V. pazi, it had implemented four projects: the "Face" of the screenplay I. Bergman, "Jacques and his master" by M. Kundera, "Frederick or the Boulevard of crime" by E.-E. Schmitt, "Invitation to the castle" by Jean Anouilh.

Today Kozhenkova A.V. - one of the leaders of postmodern scenography at the national theatre. Her works have been repeatedly awarded prestigious prizes, including the higher theatrical award of St. Petersburg "Golden Sofit" and the independent theatre award "Seagull".

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