Efimovich Kuznetsov

Russia • 1876−1970

Biographie et informations

He was born in 1876 in Moscow. Drawing started in early childhood, mostly in private. In 1896 he entered the Law faculty of Moscow University and, in parallel, goes to study in the private Studio of K. Korovin and V. Serov, where his classmates become such wonderful artists as Nikolay Tarkhov, Alexander sredine, Vasily Denisov, etc. Since 1906 Kuznetsov participates in exhibitions of the Moscow Association of artists. In 1907, on the advice Korovin, went to Europe, where he spent 3 years studying with Charles Guerin, in the Studio Cola Rossi, Academy Vitti from Anglade of Camarasa, Studio Matisse the Henri Matisse. Returning to Russia in 1910, continues to improve under the leadership of Konstantin Korovin. In 1911, under the leadership of Korovin's painting a picture "at work", which was shown at the 41st exhibition of the Association of traveling art exhibitions, and was hanged between the works of Ilya Repin and Vasily Polenov (now in Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum). Since 1912 he has participated in exhibitions of the society "Free art", and in 1915 Nikolai Kuznetsov became Chairman of this society and remained so until 1922. In 1913, 1914 and 1915 participates in exhibitions of Moscow salon. In 1916 and 1917 Kuznetsov, along with his friend and colleague Michael LeBlanc, actively participates in exhibitions and is the Treasurer of the society "Jack of diamonds", exposes mainly still lifes. After the revolution, in 1918, Nicholas E. prepares the Presnensky district of Moscow to the first celebration of may day, a lot of work for the theater in Presnensky district, creates a proletarian Museum Presnensky district, opens his own Studio in the city center, makes the Theatre square to the Congress of the third international, participates in the opening Mtusa, head of the art Studio in the Pushkin Museum. Pushkin, in the late 1930s, years of teaching, together with I. Blokhin, M. LeBlanc and F. Rerberg, courses at the Stroganov school. In 1933, Kuznetsov comes into MOSH, where he was expelled in 1937, as "have not found their creative person" and only in 1943 rebuilt it in Moshe, at the request of the Director, Osmerkina and Krainev, as well as the personal direction of S. V. Gerasimov, the former at the time Chairman. Only in 1963, Nikolai Kuznetsov got the right to hold a personal exhibition in House of artists Zholtovsky street (now Ermolaevsky lane). It was followed by the second and third personal exhibition, which took place in 1969 in Moscow (exhibition hall MOSH on the street) and Chelyabinsk (COCG). In 1959, Nicholas E. appealed to many regional museums to consider purchasing it works. Many have responded and today his works are in State Tretyakov gallery, the Chelyabinsk regional art gallery, Nizhny Novgorod state art Museum, the National art Museum of Belarus, the Krasnodar regional art Museum, the Museum of history and reconstruction of Moscow, Saratov art Museum, Tula art Museum, Taganrog Museum of art and Died. Nikolai Efimovich Kuznetsov in Moscow in 1970.

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