Ilyich Kurnakov

Russia • 1916−2010

Biographie et informations

Painter, Nar. hood. USSR (1987). A member of the CPSU from 1964. War veteran, was in captivity. Graduated from Kharkiv art. in-t (1954). From 1959 he taught at the hood.-graphic faculty of the Oryol pedagogical. in-TA, 1971 Professor. Landscapes, thematic paintings, portraits "Short rest" (1963), "And the people stood up" (1969), "Morning red Saturday. Group portrait of Orlov builders (1985), etc.

Painter. A member of the Union of artists of the USSR (1949),

Honored artist of the RSFSR (1967),

laureate of the State prize of the RSFSR. I. E. Repina (1974)

People's artist of the RSFSR (1978),

People's artist of USSR (1987),

academician of the Russian Academy of arts, Professor,

honorary citizen of the city of eagle,

June 11, 2009. awarded a gold medal

and the diploma of the Union of artists of Russia

"For outstanding contributions to the fine arts of Russia"

work included in the collections of the State Tretyakov gallery,

The Directorate of Art Fund of the Russian Federation,

Fund of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation,

Oryol regional Museum of art, other museums of Russia

foreign museums.