Nikolaevich Larin

Russia • né en 1936

Born in 1936 in Moscow in the family of Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin and Anna Mikhailovna Larina. He was educated in an orphanage near Stalingrad. In 1958 he graduated from the Novocherkassk Engineering Institute for Land Reclamation. In 1960 he moved to Moscow, began to study at the Absentee People's University of Arts named after. N. K. Krupskaya. In 1970 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Industrial Art School (Stroganov). From 1970 to 1986 he taught at the Moscow Regional Art School in memory of 1905. Since 1977 - a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

Exhibitions: Joint with E. Kravchenko in the Moscow Drama Theater. M.N Yermolova. (1982). Personal exhibition in New York (1987). Personal exhibition in Duren, Germany. (1992). Personal exhibition in Bonn, Germany. (1994). Exhibition at the Vadim Sidur State Museum, Moscow. (1998)

1936 Born in Moscow in the family of a prominent statesman Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin and Anna Mikhailovna Larina, after the arrest of his parents he was brought up in an orphanage near Stalingrad

1958 graduated from Novocherkassk Institute of Land Reclamation

1958 - 1960 worked as a hydraulic engineer on the construction of the Saratov hydroelectric station and in design organizations

1960 together with his mother A. Larina received permission to return to Moscow

1970 graduated from the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (b. Stroganov)

1970 - 1986 taught at the Moscow Art School "In memory of 1905"

since 1970 participation in domestic exhibitions

since 1977 member of the Union of Artists of Russia

since 1987 participation in international exhibitions

1992, 1993 Fellow Heinrich Böll Foundation (Germany)

1998 Awarded Diploma of the Russian Academy of Arts

2002 awarded the silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, as well as the Certificate of Merit and a commemorative medal of the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria

Personal exhibitions

1987 Personal exhibition of watercolors. Gallery "Books & Company Art". NY. USA

1989 Central House of Artists. Moscow

1992 Personal exhibition of Russian and German landscapes. Duren. Germany

1993 Exhibition hall of the editorial staff of the magazine "Our Heritage". Moscow

1994 Personal exhibition of watercolors. Gallery "Art of the twentieth century." Bonn Germany

1996 Personal exhibition of portraits and landscapes. Moscow branch of the World Bank

1997 "From the Italian cycle". State Institute of Art. Moscow

1998 “Seasons. From the Russian cycle. Moscow State Museum Vadim Sidur

2000 Personal exhibition "German landscapes through the eyes of a Russian artist." Gallery "Junge". Dortmund. Germany

2002 “Yuri Larin. Work of many years. Art Studio "TAGRY". Bulgarian Cultural Center. Moscow

2004 Saratov State Art Museum im.A.Nadishcheva

The works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the State Museum of Oriental Art, the New Jerusalem Historical-Architectural and Art Museum, the State Literary Museum, the Moscow State Museum of Vadim Sidur, Andrei Sakharov, in the collection of the magazine “Our Heritage”, in the collection of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (Germany), in private collections in Russia, Germany, Italy, USA, Great Britain, France.

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