Mefodievich Maksimov

Russia • 1913−1993

He was born 27 Aug 1913 40 kilometers from Plyos in the village Shatrovo near the town of Furmanov in the Ivanovo region. Few people know that this artist is well known in China, where it is called "Russian Rembrandt". And in Russia his name is now almost forgotten...
Important role in the life choices of the artist played classes in the circle of fine arts in the small town of Furmanov. In one of his letters to a friend dated December 12, 1964, he warmly recalls how he came to art group, which was led by the artist D. A. Trubnikov. "...I was passionately fond of drawing and felt that without the guidance would not achieve the desired results, I decided, at whatever cost, to get in this circle and at least look at a "real" artist.
People's artist of the RSFSR. Laureate of the State prizes in 1950 and 1952, he Studied at the Ivanovo Art school (1930-1935), the Moscow State Art Institute. V. I. Surikov (1937-1942). Worked in Moscow. Since 1939 the constant participant of exhibitions.From 1954 to 1957 at the invitation of the DPRK government Maksimov lived and worked in China, taught the art of oil painting, conducted a master class in Beijing. He is currently one of the most famous and revered of Russian artists in China. The work of K. M. Maksimov are in the state Tretyakov gallery, state Russian Museum, Odessa Museum of fine arts. Participant of art exhibitions since 1943. Major works: a series of portraits of "famous people of Moscow" (1949, TG), "Portrait of academician B. D. Grekov" (1951, Kiev Museum of Russian art), "Portrait of academician A. M. Terego-Reva" (1951, "the state Tretyakov gallery), "Sasha is a tractor driver" (1954, Tretyakov gallery), "Pereyaslav lace" (1962-1964), "the young Communists 20-ies" (1967), "Nikolai Ostrovsky" (1967), "Yuri Smirnov" (1967), a series of "Builders of KAMAZ" (1973-1975, MK RSFSR).

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