Abdrasulovich Mambeyev

Russia • né en 1928

Biographie et informations

Thesis in the CVC - "Jailow", rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.

(born 1.5.1928, the village of Abay-Bazar, now the village of Abai Chardara district, Chimkent region), a Soviet painter, honored art worker of the Kazakh SSR (1963). Member of the CPSU since 1962.

Studied at Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after I. E. Repin in Leningrad (1947-1953) M. I. Avilov. For songs M. genre ("In the mountains", 1956-1957, Museum of art of peoples of East, Moscow; "In my city", 1960, Kazakh art gallery named after T. G. Shevchenko, Alma-ATA) and his portraits ("Girl in black", 1964, ibid), imbued with subtle lyricism, typical soft harmonies of luminous spots of color. Chairman of the Union of artists of the Kazakh SSR (1956-1962 and 1968). Awarded 2 orders.

Lit.: The Kuchis I., the Poetry of a new life, "Art", 1961, No. 4; M. Gabitova, S. Mambeev, in kN.: The masters of art of Kazakhstan, A. A., 1972 p. 66 81.

  • Études
  • Professeurs