Noevich Melamud

Russia • né en 1911

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

In 1940 he received a certificate of completion of 5 courses. Thesis defended in 1956 WAH (without a leader) - "Portrait of academician L. S. Berg" and "best Portrait of a blacksmith in Leningrad D. N. Shkredov", rating is good. The training took place at the picturesque faculty, qualification of the artist painting.

(1911, Odessa – 1980, Leningrad)

A graduate of the Academy of arts.

The husband of the artist R. A. Hetman, pupil B. Johanson.

Party held in December 1939, immediately after the occupation of Kuokkala by the red Army – promotions on "work or artistic values" and archive

I. E. Repin. Co-author (together with I. A. Brodsky) of the book "Repin in Penates" (1940).

Malamud works are in private collections in Russia and abroad, are sold at auction houses.

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