Alekseevich Zelentsov

Russia • 1790−1845

Biographie et informations

Russian Amateur painter, student of Venetsianov.

They are made, including drawings to the collected works of F. Bulgarin (engraved by S. Galaktionov in 1832), "Dmitry the Pretender" by Pushkin (1832), "Leonid" Zagoskina (1832) and "Yuri Miloslavskogo", its the same (engraved by Skotnikov in 1838).

In 1833, for the painting "Workshop P. V. basin" Imperial Academy of arts Zelentsova was awarded the title of academician of perspective painting.

Zelentsov Kapiton Alekseevich (1790-1845)

One of the great sacraments that accompany the birth and life of a specific person, is a sacrament, a crucial choice of his life. The transfer to the painting is always the question: why one artist chooses to portray in his paintings of portraits of people, the other historical paintings, the landscapes... Capito Alexeyevich Zelentsova was destined to become renowned for his interiors, although he was engaged in and portraits, wrote genre scenes, was fond of etching and lithography.

Having a permanent job in the Ministry of internal Affairs and then in the Office of his Imperial Majesty, K. Zelentsov in his spare time drawing, copying masters of the Hermitage, took painting lessons from famous artists, for example, A. G. Venetsianov.

In the 1830-ies of K. A. Zelentsov starts working as a professional artist. According to the famous painting: "In the rooms. Living room with columns on the mezzanine," "room," "Boy at Desk" etc.

Very interesting was his genre paintings and portraits. Still the title of academician K. A. Zelentsov received for the interior "the artist P. V. basin" (1833). Having lived his life in art, the artist has left us, along with other ideas about the interior design of the living and working quarters of individual representatives of the Russian society of the XIX century.