Semenovich Perutsky

Russia • 1892−1952

Biographie et informations

Painter, graphic artist, poster artist. He studied at the hood. school and in the hood. Uch-school in Odessa (1908-20). 1917 participant of exhibitions. Included in the hood. about-ia KNIFE (1921-24), "Genesis" (1923-27), OST (1927). Lived and worked in Odessa, then in Moscow, taught in the hood. schools. In 1944-50 teacher Mosk. hood. Uch-schA 1905. Author of portraits, pictorial compositions, landscapes – "Peasant woman" (1925-26), "a House Slavuta" (1929), "a Festive day in the village" (1930), etc.

  • Associations artistiques
  • Études
  • Élèves