Platonovich Platonov

Ukraine • 1842−1907

Biographie et informations

A native of Yaroslavl province.

Student of the Academy of Arts from 1859 to 1870 he Received medals: in 1862 - 2 silver; in 1865 - 1 silver; in 1867, 2 silver. In 1870 - the title of class artist of 3 degrees and the right to teach drawing in the Tsarskoye Selo district school; in 1872 the title of class artist of 2nd degree for the painting "the gourmand" and the sketch "head of a peasant of Kursk province". In 1878 he received the gold medal of the Rzhev and Demidova over-expression in the painting "Boy-Bulgarians"; in 1883 the title of class artist of 1 degree; in 1893 - the title of academician. (Kondakov)

After AH moved to Kiev. The representative of the Kyiv drawing school. For 20 years he taught at Kyiv drawing school of M. Murashko and trained a galaxy of talented artists.

Platonov earned the recognition of touching and elegiac scenes depicting comely peasant girls or girls in the household environment. Exquisitely bowed head, expressive gesture plump handles, adorable modest decoration - the artist creates rather a type, a kind of personification of cute childishness than typical human face. Pleasant flavor with a slightly greyish base tone is also characteristic of the work of this master.

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