Andreevich Savitsky

Russia • né en 1922

Painter, Nar. hood. Of the USSR (1978), full member AH the USSR (1983). War veteran, was a prisoner of the Nazi concentration camps. Graduated From Moscow. hood. in-t (1957), a pupil of F. A. Fedor and DK Mochalskogo. From 1957 he lived and worked in Minsk since 1980 hands. Minsk Creative workshops USSR Academy of. Journalistic, expressive paintings at the modern, military-East. and ist. themes ("Song", 1957; "Partisans", 1963; "the Guerrillas. Blockade", 1967; "Punishment by death", 1969; "Lament for the dead heroes", 1974; "missing", 1991; cycles "Heroic Belarus", 1967 and "figures on the heart", 1976), portraits ("portrait of a woman", 1966; "Yanka Kupala", 1979; "Pushkin and Goncharova", 1986; "Dostoevsky", 1988), etc.

(R. 18.02.1922, D. Sonachi Tolochin district of the Vitebsk region.), painter. Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1995). Academician of the Academy of arts of the USSR (1983), the Russian Academy of arts (1991). Hero Of Belarus (2006). People's artist of the USSR (1978), people's artist of the Byelorussian SSR (1972). Honored art worker of the BSSR (1970). The participant of the great Patriotic war, prisoners of concentration camps Buchenwald, Dachau, Dora. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR in 1975-1990.

He graduated from the Minsk art school (1951), Art Institute. Surikov in Moscow (1957). Since 1980 head of the Creative workshop of painting USSR Academy of arts in Minsk (since 1991 Creative academic workshop of the Ministry of culture of the Republic of Belarus). Works in easel and monumental painting.

Creativity is characterized by deep penetration into the essence of phenomena, past and present, their philosophical comprehension, affirmation of the eternal spiritual values of humanity. The author of the widely known paintings devoted to the heroic guerrilla struggle against the Nazi invaders: "Partisans" (1963), "partisan Madonna" and "Vitebsk gate" (both 1967), "Field" and "Lament for the dead heroes" (both 1974) etc., as well as a cycle of 16 paintings "figures on the heart" (1974-80) and the triptych "Aggression" (1984), imbued with anti-fascist fervor and publicity. A lot of paintings on the history of the formation of the Belarusian national culture: "Sabita" (1972), "Vilnya meetings" (1976); the cycle of paintings for the Museum of Y. Kupala in Minsk, Christian themes, etc. a Series of "Black profit" reflected the tragedy of the Belarusian people in connection with the Chernobyl disaster. The scale and symbolism of the artistic language characteristic of works in monumental art: painting "the Great Patriotic war. 1944" in the Museum of the great Patriotic war in Minsk (1971) and "Relay race of generations" in the sanatorium "Belarus" in Miskhor (Ukraine, 1973), tapestries for the hall of meetings of the Central Committee of the PBC (now the residence of the President of the Republic of Belarus, 1978-1979, the last three in collaboration with A. Kishchenko).

State prize of the USSR 1970, 1980, 1996 State prize of the USSR 1973 international award of the Fund of Saint all-praised Apostle Andrew the first-called in 1999

Awarded the order of Lenin (1982), the red banner of Labour (1972), the Patriotic war II degree (1985), "badge of Honor" (1967), Skarina (1997). Honorary citizen of the city of Minsk (2001).


1. Savitsky Mikhail Andreevich. The great Soviet encyclopedia.

2. Nasimova I. V. Mal Andreev Sack: (ADV.whale BSSR). Mn.: Belarus, 1973.

3. Pugacheva E. N. Mikhail Savitsky: [Album]. Mn.: Belarus, 1982.

4. Savitsky, Mikhail Andreyevich. The Grove Dictionary of Art. Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2000.

5. Sultanov A. K. was My responsibility to create time: Conversations with the Master. Mn.: Up "Tekhnoprint", 2003.

6. Lazuka B. A. Mhal Andreev Sack (Yes, 85-Hodja s day Narajana) // Bulletin of the NAS of Belarus. Ser. gument. Navy. 2007. No. 1.

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