Zosimovich Saplin

Russia • né en 1937

Biographie et informations

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Taught at the art school in Troitsk, Podolsk district.

Participation in exhibitions:

50 years of civil aviation(1973)

- devoted to the Congresses of the CPSU

- Native Country (1974)

- Sport in art(1975)

- 60 anniversary of the October revolution(1977)

- 35 years of Victory(1980)


- personal exhibition "the Artist of RSFSR", the Foundation of the World (1985)

- Battle for Moscow(the 45th anniversary of the defeat) (1986)

Always on the lookout(1987)

- personal exhibition in the Gypsy theater "Romen" (1997)

- personalnaya exhibition "Gypsies under the Russia's sky" in the State Duma, Moscow (1998)

- exhibition of Moscow hood Cove, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin (1999)

- personal exhibition "...for a nomadic tent" in gallery "the Union Creativity", Moscow (2000).

Works of the artist are in the gallery Viksa, Gorky region, in the art gallery of Altai, and also private collections of Russia, Finland, Germany, Danii, Japan, Italy.