Tansykbaevich Tansykbaev

Russia • 1904−1974

Biographie et informations

Painter, Nar. hood. USSR (1963), full member AH the USSR (1958). Graduated from the Penza art. Uch-school (1929). In 1956-59 sekr. Board CX UZB.SSR, 1957-68 – SKH USSR. Beautiful compositions and landscapes "Kočevje" (1931), "Native land" (1951), "Morning Karakum HPP" (1957), "Mountain road Angren – Kokand" (1962), "deep construction" (1970), a cycle of paintings "the Native of Uzbekistan" (1970-71), a monumental mural in the pavilion of the Uzbek.SSR on VDNH in Moscow (1952-54), etc.

[1(14).1.1904, Tashkent - 18.4.1974, Nukus].

Soviet painter, people's artist of the USSR (1963), full member AH the USSR (1958).

He graduated from Penza art College (1929). For early works, which are characteristic of the epic monumentality of the compositions ("Kocevje", 1931, Museum of art of Oriental peoples, Moscow). With the 1940s in colour structure work So amplified tone start, increases the credibility of realist art making.

Glorify the nature of Soviet Uzbekistan, So have created landscapes-paintings, marked by major mood and lively sense of modernity ("Native land", 1951, art Museum of the Uzbek SSR, Tashkent; "Morning Kairak-Kuma HES", 1957, Museum of art of Oriental peoples, Moscow; "Charvak construction", 1970, artists ' Union, Moscow, USSR).

A leading role in the image structure works, which are usually played motifs associated with the transformative activities of people. He also performed as a theater artist [design of the first Kazakh ballet "Kalkaman and Mamyr" V. Velikanova at the Kazakh theater of Opera and ballet (Alma-ATA), 1938] and as a painter-muralist (a mural in the pavilion of the Uzbek SSR on VDNH in Moscow, 1952-54).

State prize of the Uzbek SSR im. Hamza (1973). Awarded the order of Lenin, 4 other orders, and medals.

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  • Études