Aleksandrovich Tarkhov

Russia • 1871−1930

Artist, self determined your way in art. He has failed to enter the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture; very little time is spent in the Studio of Konstantin Korovin. In Paris, where Tarkhov settled in 1899, he gave all the time to work on location.

(1871, Moscow - 1930, Orsay, near Paris). He attended the workshop of K. A. Korovin together with P. Kuznetsov, N. Milioti. In 1899 he went to Paris, where he attended classes of J. P. Laurens at the académie Julian, and L. O. Merson at the Ecole des Beaux arts. He was influenced by impressionism. Work Tarkhova regularly exhibited at the Salon of independents, participated in the exhibitions of the National society of fine arts. In 1903 he became a member of the "Union of Russian artists", exhibited in all the exhibitions of the Association. In 1906, Ambroise Vollard organized a personal exhibition of Tarkhov in the gallery on Lafayette street. In 1908, the state Tretyakov gallery bought the painting "Goats under the sun." In 1909, a solo exhibition of Tarkhov held gallery Druot in Paris. In St. Petersburg paintings by Tarkhov were exhibited in the "Salon Makovsky" in the exhibitions of the Izdebsky Salon, participated in the "Amory Show" of 1913 in new York. N.. Tarkhov was one of the founding members of the second "World of art", his paintings were acquired by the Tretyakov gallery and the Russian Museum, collectors Ivan Morozov, I. I. Troyanovsky. Solo exhibitions N.. Tarkhova regularly held in museums and galleries in Paris, London, new York, Geneva. In 1983 a retrospective exhibition of the artist was held in the Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin in Moscow and Museum in Leningrad, and in 2003 - in the state Tretyakov gallery.

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