Anisimovich Tkachenko

Russia • né en 1927

Biographie et informations

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born March 28, 1927 in Pyatigorsk.

In 1950 she graduated from art Institute in Kharkov.

Participant of exhibitions since 1950.

Member of the Leningrad Union of artists since 1951.

Painted portraits, landscapes, still lifes, genre and thematic compositions.

Personal exhibition in Leningrad (1983).

Born in Pyatigorsk, Russia. In 1950 he graduated from HHI. The participant of Republican and all-Union exhibitions since 1950. A member of the artists Union of the USSR from 1951. Personal exhibition was in Leningrad in 1983. Painted portraits, landscapes, still lifes, genre and thematic compositions. Works are in state Russian Museum, state Tretyakov gallery, UM, and other private collections in Russia, Italy, France, etc.