Anfimovich Torlopov

Russia • né en 1936

Painter, honored. hood. Of the RSFSR (1971). Graduated from the Kostroma hood. Uch-school (1958). From 1958 he lived in Syktyvkar, worked at HUD. the Fund, 1960-80 went with GEOL. expeditions to the Pechora, Polar Ural, in the Arctic. From 1962 to participate in exhibitions. Thematic and landscape paintings, "the Wind of distant roads" (1967), "the Searchers" (1971), "Poem on the North sea" (1976-77, triptych), "Mother earth – Komi" (1979), "Arctic village" (1981), etc.

Honored artist of the RSFSR , people's artist of the Komi ASSR, laureate of the State prize of the Komi ASSR 1968, member of Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and arts.

Was born in Moscow. From 1953 to 1958 Stanislav Anfimovich studied at the Kostroma art College (painting Department, teacher N. Shuvalov). Already in 1955 he participated in the Republican art exhibition. From 1960 to 1980 – the creative journey with the geological research expeditions to the Pechora, Polar Ural, in the Arctic. The artist builds his strict system of work on the material, its romantic paintings and sketches equally distinguished by the intimacy and monumentality. It is widely known canvas S. Torlopova "the Wind of distant roads" (1967). In 80-e years the artist is committed to the philosophical understanding of life ("Poem on the North sea" 1976 – 77 years).In trips abroad, he created several cycles of paintings and graphic works about Vietnam, Bulgaria, Poland, Germany. Worked in the all-Union and Republican creative groups at the Academic Dacha, Senezh, Gurzuf, Palanga. S. A. Torlopov, member of the Union of artists since 1967, member of the Board of the Union of artists of Russia, holder of the order "badge of Honor" (1986). The artist is involved in more than a hundred all-Union, all-Russian and regional exhibitions.

Personal exhibitions:

Syktyvkar – 1962, 1968, 1976, 1986,

Petrozavodsk – 1988,

Moscow – 1989,

Vietnam – 1975

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