Rudolfovich Frenz

Russia • 1888−1956

Biographie et informations

Son of academician of painting F. R. Frentz. He studied at the Higher art school at the Academy of arts at V. E. Savinsky, then in the battle class N. With.Samokish. Since 1932 — member of the Leningrad branch of the Soviet artists ' Union, 1934 — head of the battle-class workshop them. I. E. Repin. In 1939, approved the rank of Professor OH.

Born July 23, 1888 in Marienburg, the city of St. Petersburg province.

In 1918, Rudolf Franz graduated from Higher art school at Academy of arts in Petrograd.

He studied of Vasily Savinsky and Nikolai Samokish.

Participant of exhibitions since 1922.

Member of the Leningrad Union of artists since 1932.

Wrote battle scenes, genre and historical compositions, portraits, and urban landscapes, genre scenes. Worked in watercolors and oil painting.

In the years 1918-1925 were engaged in a propaganda poster, a decorative design of urban buildings and festive events.

Professor of painting of the Repin Institute of arts in the name of I. E. Repin (1939-1956) and the higher school of industrial art named after V. I. Mukhina (1949-1956).

The head of the battle-workshop of arts in Leningrad named after I. E. Repin (1934-1956).

His personal exhibitions were in Leningrad (1928) and St. Petersburg (2006).