Hamitovich Chomaev

Russia • né en 1935

Born in 1932 in the village of uchkeken. In 1961 he graduated from the Rostov art College. He is one of the oldest artists of Karachay-Cherkessia. In 1969, at the regional exhibition "Our contemporary" presented works Tomaeva Haji-Meker and What of Ishmael that was the beginning of systematic visits artists of Karachay-Cherkessia at the regional, zonal and other shows of fine art.

Today a member of the Union of artists of the USSR and the Russian Federation Meker Chomaev Exhibitor not only national, but also international exhibitions. Karachai paintings by the artist adorn the halls of museums of Stavropol, Rostov-on-don, St.-Petersburg, Moscow and other Russian cities.

The artist works in the genres of landscape and portraiture, still lifes. Models portraits of the artist are not only people close to him ("Mother", "My friends", "Children", and others), but those who brought something to his attention: "the portrait of the doctor in Batcheva", "portrait of a mountain", "Tamada", "Old men". In one of his works, the artist to the soft is soft, in others, expressive and dynamic. In the portrait of his ideal of harmoniously developed personality, this is particularly evident in his works: "Toastmaster", "portrait of a Highlander", "Portrait in Batcheva", "Elderly", which reflected the best features of national character - a modest restraint, self-esteem, people living worldly interests, they are close and understandable to us.

In his works Meker Chomaev reveals a range of human feelings and emotions, while harmoniously matching the composition of the canvas. Poet Ismail Semenov in the same work, despite its monumentality, the simple and intuitive close to the viewer. Before us is a person that has lived a hard life - the closer you look, the longer you let it go piercing penetrating eyes. The artist is not only a fan of a psychological portrait, it is also with great love paints landscapes. The strength of his paintings is not that it with photographic accuracy reproduces the familiar childhood landscapes, and in their depth and meaningfulness. He tries to philosophically rethink the reality, the past and the present of their land, and therefore their. "Decoration", "Our courtyard", "Autumn", "Shepherd's camp", "Bytesin" and many other works create a generalized epic image of mother nature in all its variability: quiet, sad twilight, written with its pastel colours, the age-old cold peace and a riot of colors, large volume strokes, contrasting colours full of emotional expressiveness. His "Poppies", "Peonies", "Flowering cacti", you can not only see, but feel the warmth coming from them.

Works of artist Meker Comeva deeply psychological and talk about the greatest wealth kindness and humanity, they are United by a common feeling - the love for our home, earth, to her people.

(Zuhra Tulparov, "Meker Chomaev. Personal exhibition", 1996)

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