Petrovna Mudrak

Russia • née en 1967

Born in 1967 in Chisinau. Graduated from Republican art College named. Repin in 1989. Works as a teacher at Children's art school im. Shchusev. Is skhm, the Association "Eco-Art" since 1995. Member of the Association of Russian artists of Moldova "M-ART"-2004 g

Works in easel painting ( landscapes, still lifes, figurative art).

Doctor of arts L. Tom.

Main exhibitions:


"Petrol Bank". Chisinau - 1998

In the gallery. K. Brancusi - 2000

The Publisher Of "Capital". Chisinau - 2002

Hotel "Dedeli". Chisinau - 2003

OSCE, Chisinau - 2004.

Participant of exhibitions:

Association Eco Art, national Museum of history, Chisinau 2001. -International art salon "New generation", Moscow – 2003

As well as annual exhibitions of skhm in Chisinau and Bacau (Romania) since 1991

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