Zinovievich Chechik

Russia • né en 1953

Biographie et informations

The teacher of discipline "Scenographic composition"

Member of Moscow Union of artists (Section of artists monumentally-decorative art)

Born in Kiev in 1953, 1970 and 1976 he studied at the Kiev art Institute, the school of architecture. In 1976 he issued his first performance at the Kiev theater of Operetta. At the same time cooperated with many theatres as a stage designer.

In 1981 he left architecture to participate in the First exhibition of young Ukrainian artists. In 1983 - chief designer at the Kiev puppet theatre.

In 1984-1988 he worked as an artist in the theater. I. Franko (Kiev), has created more than 100 productions in various theaters of the country.

Since 1991 lives and works in Moscow. Member of the Union of artists since 1994.

A. Chechik are in the Ukrainian Museum of Cinema and Music (Kiev), the Ukrainian Museum of literature (Kyiv), the Museum of M. Bulgakov (Kiev), the Theater Museum im. Bakhrushin (Moscow), the Center of Jewish studies (Berlin), private collections in Russia, USA, Israel, France, and Germany.

  • Études